Chapter 44

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Despite what Angel said, he held off on letting her delve into his business. Elmer said his finances were in such a mess, nothing Angel would immediately do would turn his business around. If money wasn't coming in developing a website and littering social media would not help. Elmer also felt he should discuss his financial dilemma with Angel. He did not know if he would ever feel comfortable doing that.

He made sure he dressed nicely for Angel's store opening, wearing an outfit she picked out and bought for him. He did not know what to expect, it was a store. A clothing store. He was not much of a shopper himself, he just bought the bare minimum and Walmart was good enough for him. Angel's store was fancy clothes that she liked to wear and he would probably never waste money on.

But he was there to support his girl, not shop.

Pulling up, there was a line to get into the store. What in the hell? Women were that crazy about shopping at a new store. He parked and stepped out of his car, then texted Angel.

There's a long line, should I wait in it?

LOL. No boy, come around back, I'll have someone let you in

That was better because if he had to walk past all the women standing in line and step right in, they probably would mob him. He went to the back exit and Jared was at the door to let him in.

"What's up man," he said, fist-bumping him. "Sorry, it's kind of wild in the store. Angel's idea to have everything twenty-five percent off from our online prices. These chicks ain't playing about their deals."

"Twenty-five percent. You guys still making money today?" He followed him through their storeroom that was filled with racks of clothes and mannequins.

"Here you go, trying to be Mr. Businessman. The clothing online is already marked up like forty to fifty percent from our cost, so twenty-five percent discount ain't nothing. You need to learn some business sense, Mr. Hook."

Damn, really? What was he doing wrong?

"And this is high-end clothing Hook, not your everyday mall clothes. We are right across from the mall and you can't find our clothes anywhere there. The key for us is location, location, location."

They made it to the back of the store. Soft music played, everything was well lit, there were lots of women buzzing around the store, and a few men. There were saleswomen assisting customers, handing out champagne and hor d'ourves.

The back of the store was a row of mirrors, with dressing rooms on either side. The women could walk out of the dressing room, walk down a runway with the clothes on, and examine themselves in mirrors. It was brilliant. There were even flashing strobe lights along the catwalk as if someone was taking pictures of them.

"That was all your girl's idea, from her modeling days. She didn't do much runway work, but women are fascinated with working a runway. I did some runway work, and yes, a bitch loves the spotlight on them."

"I don't think men enjoy all that...I mean, most men."

"Get in touch with your feminine side Hook, it's okay," Jared said with a chuckle. "You want to work the runway? I can show you how to work it."

"I'll pass," he said, looking around for Angel. He did not see her, there were so many women and workers around.

"Your girl is trying to be every woman and greet every single customer who comes in, and then every single customer that makes a purchase. Come on, I'm sure she will take a break for you."

The store was a nice size. It was huge. He was truly impressed. When he first researched her business he was impressed with how much she sold online. Now, this would only increase her sales and make her richer. He could see why she did not want Matthew to take any parts of her company.

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