Chapter 39

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She took her mind off Hook.

She scheduled cleaners for her house, and movers to pack everything away. She had to sell that house and it had to be in good condition. Not with bullet holes in the wall, blood-stained wood floors, or the essence of a dead man still lingering on. She went with Jared to get a few of her belongings, but she refused to go anywhere near the bedroom. As much as she loved that house and wanted to fight Matthew for that house, she despised it now.

"When are you looking to buy a new place?"

"Still thinking. Do I want to be close to where I was, close to work...or..."

"In the city with Hook," Jared said.

"There are some good neighborhoods in the city, right?"

"You're not a city girl, and there's nothing wrong with that."

Still, she was thinking of Hook in whatever decision she made. Was she going to be with Hook for the long-term? If she was, she wanted to move where it would reflect that. Not super far away it was a chore to just drive to see each other. Maybe he could move in with her, although, she did not think they were ready for that move. They basically were living together before.

Sure, he was only there to protect her, but they both enjoyed being together.

Then she thought of his kids. What about that? Coming over to her place for the weekend was one thing, them living together, how would that look to them?

And now a baby.

They were just finishing up and loading Jared's car when Hook called her.

"Hey," she simply said.

"I want us to talk. Really talk. I just dropped the girls off. Can I come over?"

She fidgeted a bit, gave it some thought. "I'm out right now...yeah, ok, my parents' place or is that-"

"No, that's fine. I'll see you in a bit."

Jared drove her to her parents' house and helped her put away the things she brought. She was going to give away all the furniture and appliances and start new whenever she found a new place. She went to her room to freshen up before Hook came over. She still did not know what she wanted to say to him. She still was unsure if they even had a future together.

She met him at the door when he rang the doorbell. Her parents left on vacation early that morning, so she had the house to herself.

"The girls said hey," he said, taking a seat on the sofa.

Why did he have to look so damn sexy dressed in baggy jeans and a t-shirt? So basic but fit him so well. He smelled good, he looked good, she wanted to be in his arms.

"I missed them. Did you guys have fun this weekend?"

"No," he said, taking her hand and intertwining his fingers. "I missed you, they missed you."

She looked down, still not ready to say anything.

"Tell me what you are feeling."

"I don't know!"

"I want us to work this out, whatever it is, that's going to be us. We have to talk about it though," he said, kissing her hand. "I talked to Shareefa when I dropped off Ravyn. I wasn't gonna be on that bullshit with her, I had to know for real. If there was a chance that baby is mine. She said she wasn't sleeping around. That it's mine. You know if it's mine, I'll do what I have to do."

She sniffed, quickly wiped away a tear before he could see it.

"That doesn't change us. How I feel about you. I want you to be here with me."

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