Chapter 46

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Hook was a little buzzed, but he was nowhere near as drunk as they were. He hoped they were able to make it to the car. He had his arm around Angel's waist and she talked about his dick all the way to her ride. Shay was saying her man may not have a big one, but his tongue game....nope, he had to clear that thought from his head. Jared was asking to see Hook's dick and as much as he was cool with him, drunk Jared was no fun.

He piled them in Angel's ride. He knew Jared was the closest, so he dropped him off first. He had to help him to his door and open it for him.

"Yo man, don't you ever, ever ask about my dick again," he said to him. "We cool?"

"I'll apologize when I sober up," he said, stumbling in his house.

Hook shook his head and headed back to the car. He stopped when he saw Shay open the back door and hold her head out as she threw up everywhere, half not making it outside and landing in Angel's car. He only grinned, happy it wasn't his car.

He pulled Shay back in the car, pulled her hair back that had vomit in it, and put her seatbelt back on her.

"Where do you stay? I don't have your address."

"I wanna stay with you and that big dick of yours."

The hell? Naw, this shit was not happening to him tonight. First Angel's friends thirsting after him, then her best friend, now her sister? He grabbed her phone and looked up her home information. He sent it to his phone and then got in the driver's seat. Angel was asleep and snoring, and she never snored before.

He drove silently to Shay's house and pulled up to the driveway. He saw lights on, so he figured her husband was up. He rang the bell and waited.

"Hook?" Elmer said when he opened the door dressed in pajamas, a robe, and socks on his feet.

"Sorry man, we went for drinks and your wife got a little wasted. You wanna come help her out? I would but umm....she's covered in vomit and we ain't that cool."

"Oh lord," he said, walking out to the car. He opened the door and Shay was undressing in the back seat.

"Honey! I want to fuck!" She grabbed Elmer but he held his wife back.

Hook walked away, he did not want to see anything or hear anything. He knew to not ever go drinking with them again.

"Sorry about this," Elmer said, helping Shay put her clothes back on. "She normally doesn't drink much. One drink and she's done. How much did she drink?"

"Three, I think, maybe four."

"And her sister let her do that?"

"Look at her, she's no better."

"Well thanks, Hook, for looking out for her," he said, carrying Shay. "I owe you one."

"No problem man," he said and waited till they were inside before he got back in the car.

He looked at Angel, still knocked out. He could take her back to her parent's place, it was not that far, but they did not need to see her in that condition. He headed to his place.

Midway there, Angel started to talk in her sleep.

"Mmm, Russssellllll..." she said then giggled. "Yeessss, Russsselllllll."

Did she just say that dude's name? He burned in his seat at that but kept his focus on the road. What the hell was he thinking? Angel still wanted that guy, yet she was playing him for a fool. He wanted to turn around and drop her off anywhere but to his place. He should have dropped her off with Jared or her sister. He was not feeling her right now.

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