Chapter 22

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He wasn't gonna fuck her. He wasn't going to fuck her.

That's what he kept saying to himself, as he showered, shaved, made sure everything was fresh and clean, and dressed in one of the outfits she bought him, just to get some barbecue he could have ordered for himself.

He wasn't going to fuck her. He wasn't going to fuck her.

That's what he kept telling himself as he drove from his downtown apartment way out to west cacka-lacka county to see her ass. She bet not be looking good. She better have on an old t-shirt and dirty sweats. Knowing Angel, she didn't own anything like that, so whatever she had on would be sexy and give him an instant erection.

Nope. She was not going to get a rise out of him. They could talk. They would eat. He would leave. That's it, that's all she wrote.

Maybe one kiss.

Damn! He wasn't going to make it. He figured that out soon as she opened the door and she was wearing a little white, one-sleeved dress that fit every damn curve. Her long, brown legs were all shimmery. Even barefoot she was a stallion at five feet ten. Tall women with long legs were his weakness.

"Hey girl," he said, not knowing what else to say. Should he hug her, a kiss? What's the protocol with that? They were broken up, just hanging out right now.

"I timed it perfect. I just nuked the food a bit, so it's nice and hot, come on I'm starving." She headed to the kitchen.

He made sure as he pulled up to her place there was no one lurking, no car with a person watching her place, and no one hiding in the shrubs. He locked her door, looked at her new security system.

"How's this working for you?"

She walked back into the room with a rib bone hanging half out her mouth as she chewed on it.

"What?" She stopped eating to look. "Oh, that. I guess it's fine. Like I said, I've only been back a few hours. I've been cleaning like crazy since I been here, throwing out food, doing laundry-"

"And that's what you been wearing all day?" he said, looking her over.

She smiled. "You like my dress?"

"It's cool but uh, I wouldn't eat barbecue in a white dress, but you do you," he said, following her in the kitchen.

Angel had enough food on the counter it looked like there was a party of five there.

"Why you order all this food?"

"Leftovers! I don't have to cook all week."

"Good...I mean, yeah, that was smart."

She elbowed him in the ribs. "You're going to stop talking about my cooking?"

"You're going to stop calling whatever you do in the kitchen cooking."

He grabbed a plate from the cabinet and started making a plate full of ribs, brisket, and hush puppies. Angel watched him. He turned to her and grinned.


" just wore that outfit to eat and run...not cuz you look damn sexy in it."

He licked his lips, smiled, and just shook his head at her. They were fucking tonight for sure.

They made their plates of food and then went downstairs so they could watch Food Network while they ate and talked about more food. She poured him some of his favorite wine and they didn't say much besides licking their fingers and grunts of food enjoyment.

Once they ate two plates of food each, that i-tis hit in like a mutha. She was good because even though she ate two plates, both of them combined didn't touch his one.

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