Chapter 52

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After a few weeks with Elmer helping his financials, he saw a difference. That and charging proper fees for his services. A few of his faithful customers complained, but he still was giving them deals they could not beat. He was able to hire an additional part-time employee and hopefully have him start full-time soon.

And not having to stress over another kid was great as well.

"Yo! My man! I finally made it down!"

He looked up to see Jared walking into his office.

"Hey, what's up," he said, giving him a hand dap. "I called you a few weeks ago to get those things."

"My bad. Some issues with yo...I mean, where is the stuff?"

"In my car. Give me a minute, we can head out there," Hook said, finishing up an order he was working on. "Sit man. What you been up to?"

"Hook, first of all, let me apologize again for my drunken state and my crazy jibbering about yo-"

"Naw, save it," Hook said with a grin. "I ain't drinking with yo ass ever again."

"Haha! So we cool?"

"Yeah, man."

"So because you dumped my girl, are we still cool?"

Hook sat back in his seat, rubbed his head. "It's whatever."

"You miss her?"

"We not gonna talk about her," he said and stood up. "I'm sure she's moved the fuck on with that old ass dude, so Imma move the hell on."

"Really? You think she wants that man?"

"She saying the man name in her sleep, what you want me to think?" Hook pitched his voice up high like a girl, "Mmm, Russsellll! Yesss, Russell! What the fuck you think that was?"

Jared busts out laughing at him.

"That shit ain't funny!"

"Okay, but..." Jared controlled his laughing. "She didn't tell me all that."

"Of course she didn't."

They headed out of the shop as Jared started looking all around at the men at work on cars. He shook his head at him. Did gay men check out other men all the time? They made it to his car and he popped the trunk.

"But really, how is she?"

"You just said you did not want to talk about her. And my bestie already mad at me for talking to you now, so I ain't saying shit about her, my mouth is closed," Jared said, imaginarily zipping his lips, locking them, and throwing away the keys.

"I can ask about her. I still care."

"Then call her!" Jared was looking past him and smiling.

"Not going to happen. It just wasn't working for me. Look at my lil shop, look at her place. We're at two different points in our lives. I ain't saying it's a bad thing she got money, just I'm not the type of guy to live off my woman like that."

Jared was not listening to him, he was busy watching something behind him.

"Jared! Dude, are you listening to me?"

"Huh? What? You said you miss Angel and want some money like that and-"

"Man!" Hook pushed him out the way. "Get the box. You tripping."

Jared grabbed the box out of the trunk. "Yo Hook, who's the big guy working on the truck?"

Hook shook his head. He was not trying to tell the dude who to crush on, but his place of business was not the place. He turned to see who he was talking about. His new employee Marvin. He did not know the guy well, but he did not sense that he was gay.

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