Chapter 26

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"Good looking out Mr. Hamilton, about your wife," Hook said as they sat out back having a beer after dinner.

"I figured warning you was the least I could do," he said. "And I told you to call me Eddie."

"Your wife is...I bet she's a great lawyer. If I ever get in a situation, I know who to call," he said with a chuckle.

"Thirty-eight years of marriage. I was a junior partner, she was a third-year law student. Love at first sight."

"So you believe in that?"

"Why not? You don't?"

"Naw, you got to get to know a person. I'm not putting my heart out there and get it broken."

"Sound's like a man that has had his heart broken a lot."

He shrugged it off. He liked Angel's father, but he was not going to have that discussion with him. All the relationships, hook-ups, just smashing situations he'd had in his young years. He was no saint for sure when it came to that.

"My daughter is hard to love, huh?"

"She's uh...different."

"You don't have to protect my feelings, young man. She's my child. I know her. I'll protect her no matter what. I might have coddled her most of her life, but that's my job as her father. Sometimes I feel like I didn't do enough to protect her."

"I understand. I have two daughters myself. I can't imagine when they start dating. Ugh!"

"Two daughters. Really?"

"I'm sure your wife dug that up in her research."

He threw up his hands. "I had no in parts in that."

"My girls are my world."

"As they should be. You don't understand being a man till you have a daughter. How can men disrespect women when they came from a woman? How can they disrespect women when their daughter is a woman? I just try and be a good man so my daughters know what a good man is."

He sipped his beer, wanting to ask a hundred different questions about Angel but not wanting to overstep his boundaries.

"What's on your mind young man, I can see that brain going."

"Did you know about her and the...professor?"


"Did you force her to marry Matthew?"

"Force, no. But Matthew loved her, at least that's how he came to us with it. My wife and I knew about the professor so I thought if she married Matthew she would end it with that married man. It just got out of hand."

"So you know Matthew hit her?"

"Hit her? Hell no I don't know anything about that! God damnit!"

"I'm sorry. But I don't play that shit, hitting on a woman. I don't care what she did to him, he should never lay hands on her. That's a bitch move."

Eddie sat back in his chair and rubbed his face.

"It's not her fault she does what she does."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you but...this is between us." He sat up in his chair, leaned toward him. "When she was a little girl, she doesn't even recall this...there was an incident."

He paused and didn't say anything. Hook waited for him to continue.

"She was three years old, Shay was just a baby. My own brother...I caught him...with her, inappropriately."


"She's been in therapy. Repressed memory, she doesn't remember anything. She doesn't even remember she has an uncle. I nearly killed him, had him arrested. He only served three years. I vowed if he comes anywhere in the vicinity of the St. Louis Metropolitan area he's a dead man."

"And she doesn't remember any of it?"

"No. But many therapists think it affects her. They call it 'subconscious influences on behavior and emotional responding.' It's why someone like her college professor, who was fifteen years older than her and married, could influence her. It's why even Matthew had an influence on her for ten years."

"I wouldn't do anything like that to hurt her."

"I know. See, you have to have that kind of power over her. Student-teacher relationship. Older rich guy, a father figure thing Matthew had. He's a lawyer like me, so she saw me in him, I mean, it all makes sense now."

"Why would you make her marry him?"

"That's on me. I'll never forgive myself for that. I thought I was protecting her, but now..."

This shit was mind-boggling. Was this rich people shit? Man! Hood drama ain't have no drama like this mess.

They left her parents and drove back to her place. It was a crazy day. No scratch that, a crazy weekend.

"My mother really likes you," Angel said when they made it back to her place.

"Does she now?"

"I mean, really likes you! She thinks you're hot! She said you were young and sexy. I said, mom, stop trying to get your cougar on and get my man."

He grinned at her. "You mean, you're not a cougar? You're in your thirties, and I'm only twenty-seven."

"Shut up! Five years older doesn't make me a cougar," she said, wrapping her arms around him. "Although, I'll be a tiger in the bed for you."

They started kissing and it felt good to have her in his arms and feel relaxed again. He was not going to be worried about Angel's past, only the present.

"So, you think you're in the mood tonight?"

"I don't know. You still have your clothes on...we're still standing here...and my dick about to bust through my pants."

"Got it," she said, starting to take off her clothes.

"Go on in the bedroom. Imma make sure everything is locked up."

He secured the garage, locked all the doors, made sure the alarm was set and took the gun Mr. Hamilton gave him, and secured it in a hall closet for now. He would tell Angel about the gun so she wouldn't freak out, but for now, he was not taking any chances.

He went to the bedroom where Angel lay in the bed naked, waiting for him. He stripped off his clothes and got in bed with her. He started kissing her wet vagina lips before slipping his tongue inside and lapping her up. He stayed planted there till he got his full of her which lasted a long time.

Finally, he sat up and looked down at her.

"You good?"

"Always good when you hook me up like that. Get it, Hook."

"Come on, get on top and ride me, baby," he said, laying back in the bed, pulling her on top of him.

A/N: I'm starting to break down what makes Angel do the things she's done. She doesn't even know why she does the things she's done. I will also break down Hook and why he is the way he is. Gets complicated. Any questions, drop them here!


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