Chapter 11

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Oh no, now he was going to tell her he had some type of disease or something.  They had used a condom every time but that did not mean a thing for a deadly disease.

"Well, I have done a lot of things in my past I am not proud of. Robbed, sold drugs, been to jail...but I'm not ashamed that I have two kids."

"Two kids?"

"Yes. When I was young, real young. I was stupid, wild, thinking I was the shit. I had my first daughter when I was only fifteen.  And my second daughter when I was nineteen."

She was speechless.  She did not know what to say to that. He had two baby mommas, just like she thought he would.  What was she getting herself into?

"Angel, that doesn't take away from the man I am. I take care of them. I am in their life as much as I can be. I'm not on good terms with either of the mothers, but they let me stay in my girls' life. I need to be there for them. And I had to tell you because I wanted you to know I am not the same guy I was when I was wilding out in my teens."

"You told me your uncle helped you change your life."

"Yes, Uncle Dwight. He was the only real man in my life. And I think boys need that in their lives to be a man. I just did not get it till late in my life."

"So, do you want more kids?"

"When I meet the right woman who wants to have kids with me," he said.

She bit her lip and looked down.

"I don't want to have kids."

"Then it's a good thing I already have some, you know if you were the right woman and all."

She chuckled at him.

"Why are you this deep?"

"I might have grown up poor and in the hood, but I'm more than that. Stop treating me like I'm just a thug and maybe you will see that too."

She gasped at him but knew he was correct.  She assumed because he did not graduate high school or go to a four-year college or make six figures that all he knew about was the streets.  She had to let her mind be free and just get to know Hook.

"Tell me one thing. What's your real name?"

He grinned at her. "Antione."

"See, that's better than Hook."

"No one calls me that."

"You know what, as much as I want to jump your bones tonight, I want to go deep into the inner thoughts of Antione "Hook" Lawrence. Get to know you and you get to know me. How about that."

"Baby, I been wanting that since the jump"

Since that night they got a lot closer and spent more time together. They did things together all over the city like a real couple. Hook had yet to invite her to his place or met her friends or her family but she knew she had to make that major step.

Jared was having a big birthday party at his place and she thought that would be the perfect time for Hook to meet her friends. Her sister and her husband would even be there. She knew Shay was going to be on her worse behavior and give him the third degree but she was ready.

She decided to take Hook shopping so he would look super nice at the party.

"I can shop for myself," he said in protest.

"I'm sure you can Hook, but this is what I do.  Clothes. Fashion. When I get you fitted, trust me you will walk in there looking like a male model yourself."

"That's told me your best friend...who is a guy...that you used to date...was a model. Did you two fuck?"

"He's gay."

"So. Did you fuck him then he turned gay?"

"I didn't know he was gay! Or at least, he didn't know. I knew something wasn't right though, we were just like good friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Why are you avoiding my question, Angel? You two busy?"

"Oh my God! You would ask that Hook," she said, with a smile.  "No, we didn't. He never wanted to and I never really was attracted to him that way. As I said, we are good friends so you have nothing to worry about."

"Oh, I wasn't worried," Hook said, pulling her close to him.  "He couldn't have been laying the dick like I do."

"Shut up," she giggled, pushing him away.  "Let's get you presentable."

She did not stop at just buying him one outfit.  She bought him tons of clothes, socks, underwear, and even new shoes.  She racked up a bill but did not care.  She wanted him to look presentable, and not just around her friends.  She believed the way you dressed lead to your success. Sure, he was only a mechanic, but he could be so much more.

"This is a new look for me," Hook said after he dressed in the outfit she picked for him.

He looked good. In fact, he looked better than good. Hook really could have been a model.  He had classic good looks and great skin and a nice body to go with it. He could have been better than Tyson Beckford. Heck, if  "Hot Felon" could have a modeling career, so could Hook.

"Let me take some pictures of you," she said, whipping out her phone and taking several shots of him. Full body shots and close-ups.  She smiled hard knowing she was going to walk into that party with the finest man of them all.

"I feel like I am pretending to be someone I'm not," Hook said.

"What? Babe, you look good," she said, then stood next to him and took some selfies.  "Come on let's go. We have to make a grand entrance."

Jared did not stay far from her in Olivette, another west county suburb of St. Louis. He recently bought his house which was newly built and huge and ideal for throwing big parties. He loved playing host and having friends over. He had a big circle of friends.  He grew up in a large family and played sports in addition to modeling. He originally was from Kansas City, but attended Mizzou with Angel and moved to St. Louis after college.

He was in a fraternity, and he thought he would lose all his frat brothers when he came out as gay, but they stood by him and he remained close with all of them.  To the eye, Jared did not have the "look" of a gay man. He was a pretty boy. Light-skinned with gray eyes, and he attracted a whole lot of women. And men. He was never lacking for their affection, but he was particular about the men he dated. As weird as it was, she and Jared had the same taste in men.

"Ooo, damn! He is fine!" Jared whispered to her after he met Hook.

She knew her bestie would like him.

"Step off hon, he's mine."

"At least for now," he said.  "I know you, and he's just something to do since Matty is out the picture. Not hardly your type."

"What? I have a type?"

"Yes hoe, you do," he said, pouring them both wine. They had the same taste in wine too.  "You're not a bad boy type, you like them like Matthew. A fuddy-duddy. A square. All professional and shit. Hmmm, someone like yourself I guess."

"I resent that," she said, taking her wine glass. 

"Call it like I see it," he said.  "So how serious are things with mister handyman?"

"He's a mechanic. No, he owns his own shop," she said.  "And it''s interesting."

She looked where Hook was talking to a group of Jared's fraternity brothers. She wondered what the conversation was about. Could Hook hold his own with that group of educated college men? Maybe they were just talking about sports. Or cars. Or sex.

A/N: Angel trying to blend Hook in with her friends. Do you think they are a good match? She's so...snobby. He seems so laid back.


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