Bonus Chapter

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Five years later...

"Mummy, I'm home!"

Angel smiled hearing her stepdaughter Ravyn call her the nickname she liked to call her sometimes. Ravyn only called her that to be funny. Angel had no problems playing stepmother, she knew her place. She was married to Hook, but she was not her mother.

Ravyn came into the living room where she was decorating the tree trying to get the star on top. Ravyn rushed over to her and stopped her.

"Stop! What are you doing?" Ravyn said, pulling her away. "I know you're tall, but you can't be doing that right now."

"What? It's nothing. Stop trying to be my mother, little girl."

"I'm just saying," Ravyn said with a shrug. "Where's dad? Who's all here? Where is AJ? I miss you guys." Ravyn squeezed her in a hug.

"Oh, when you're clingy, something is up?"

"I like coming home that's all."

Ravyn was now eighteen, a freshman in college. She was attending her alma mater Mizzou majoring in Business. Since she turned eighteen in July she had access to the trust fund she set up for her five years ago and could afford to go to any college of her choice. She chose Mizzou because Ravyn wanted to follow in Angel's footsteps, own her own business. When Ravyn was fifteen she started "interning" at Angel's store, mostly menial office tasks, but then she started to get into the business and liked the work. She worked there every summer till she went off to college.

Now it was Winter Break and Ravyn stayed with them. In fact, once Angel and Hook got serious again, the kids were with them more. Six months that Christmas weekend, they were full-on serious again. A year, Hook moved in with her. Therapy worked well for both and their relationship was better than ever.

Two years later she was pregnant with their son, Antione Lawrence Jr., or AJ. She knew he was the best thing that ever happened to her. She was in love with her son immediately. He was everything to her.

Hook proposed when AJ was three months old, and they had a small little ceremony six months after that.

"Your father should be coming home shortly with your sister. How was the drive from Columbia?"

"It's whatever. I need a new car. Buy me a new car, step mummy, I know that's what you got me for Christmas."

"Did I?" Angel said with a smile. She had. Well, Hook and her. Ravyn paid for her first car at sixteen from working at the store, but it was already an eight-year-old car so it was on its last legs. Good thing her father knew a thing or two about cars or it would not have made it that long. She deserved a new car. Ravyn was not the best in school, but she gave it her all and maintained Bs and Cs which was respectable.

The day after she graduated high school, she moved in with them permanently. She and her mother were in constant arguments once Ravyn hit about fifteen. They fought about everything, from her homework to after-school activities, boys, the clothes she wore, and many times, about wanting to stay with her father. Hook tried to be fair about things, not make Shareefa look bad, but it was horrible how she treated the girl, especially trying to get her to babysit her little brother on weekends she was to be with Hook. Many times Ravyn would have to bring her little brother with her on weekends.

It took two years of fighting for more custody before he got to get them over the whole summer break and most of Winter break and all of Spring break. The girls got along great with each other now, and as shocking as it seemed, they flipped on Angel. Ravyn was more lovey-dovey towards her, and now Symone was the angsty teen that wanted nothing to do with either of her parents, especially her stepmother.

Hook an Angel✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant