Wk 4 (New Years) pt 5: Fireworks

Start from the beginning

Phil gasps. "Have you ever tasted a marshmallow?"

I shake my head. "Nope." As I swallow, I hear gasps around me.

Tommy shakes his head. "Have you ever played Fluffy Bunny?"

I tilt my head. "No?"

"Oh," Wilbur grins. "We're doing that."

The fire flares as a marshmallow drops from Wil's stick and he curses. "Ok, so the aim of the game," he says as he stuffs a few marshmallows in his mouth. "Ith to thee whow mahny marhhmehhows you han hith intho youw mouph and thay fuffy bhunny wiwh." (Is to see how many marshmallows you can fit into your mouth and say fluffy bunny with)

He chews and swallows, "For example, I just had 6 in my mouth." Tommy sips his hot chocolate.

"I'm the best so far," Tommy declares. "I can fit 10!"

"I can fit 14," Phil boasts. "I've upgraded my stats."

I sigh. "Alright." I say to their pleading faces. Stuffing sweet after sweet into my mouth, I manage to fit 12 before I can't speak any more. Swallowing them, I shake my head. "God that is sweet."

Tommy grins. "What else can we do around a fire?" Wilbur's eyes light up.

"Truth or dare, Phil."

Phil sighs, sitting down. Snatching my blanket, I pull it back. "Hey, that's my blanket." I complain. He smirks. "It's mine now!"

"Truth or dare, Phil." Wilbur pushes.

"Truth," Phil sighs, settling back and rubbing his arms. "I'll do dares later."

"Ooh." Tommy whispers something to Wilbur. "Truth: Have you ever forgotten how to craft a crafting table?"

And Phil goes red. From the tips of his ears to his rosy cheeks, he flushes, looking away. "M-Maybe."

We laugh at him. He eventually gives in, laughing. "Ok ok, but to be fair, it was very very very shortly into my career."

Once he'd calmed down, Phil grins. "Tommy," he announces casually. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Tommy chances.

"I dare you to go get another blanket." Phil shivers. "I'm cold and Dave won't let me take his blanket."

Grumbling, Tommy goes inside to fetch one.

"Truth or Dare, Techno?"

"Dare." I say confident.

"Spar with Phil."

I sigh, grabbing a stick and stalking off to an easier area. Phil follows.

"3,2,1!" Tommy yells.

Phil jumps into action, whipping past my with his stick. I turn to meet him, lunging at him and he blocks my strike. I feint to his chest but then whack him in the legs, but he recovers and tugs on my braid to unbalance me. Grabbing me, he spins me around and throws me. I see his shock as I land further than he realized.

Over a cliff.

A small one, but still.

I bounce once, before turning and pushing my hands into a spring, coming to a roll. Running and jumping to one of the rocks, I make my way up the cliff, alighting on each rocky surface. Phil was waiting at the top.

Throwing a stone I had in my pocket, I catch him off-guard as I whip past him, ducking as a whistle sounds above me. I slide to a stop, observing my surroundings. Phil had his back to the sun, so as he lunges at me, I circle around so he faced the sun. He squints, and I use that as he barely blocks my strike. Doing some fancy footwork to build up momentum, I kick him in his legs, and as he goes down, I sweep by the fire, catching my stick alight as I point it at his neck.

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