Why Don't We

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{imagine; song based}

{warnings; really sad, a LOT of crying, flashbacks and just a lot of upsetting crap a tw as well will be issued}

{description; based on 'ghost of you' by 5sos but instead of it being the loss of a break-up, it will be of suicide from your character so, a huge trigger warning will be put in place but, that'll be known by this '⚠️' so, when you see that, if you get triggered by what follows that, you can skip that part and continue reading. your character name will be Leilani and this will involve all the boys. enjoy}

{a/n; so sorry that this is so sad but, i got the idea for this whilst i was on the bus yesterday and 'ghost of you' came on and i just love the song! also, like always, italics and bold lettering is the lyrics and italics is flashbacks and ⚠️ is trigger warning! enjoy

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Here i am waking up, still can't sleep on your side. There's your coffee cup, the lipstick stain fades with time. If I can dream long enough, you'd tell me I'd be just fine. I'll be fine. 

Jack finally peeled open his eyes from his 3-hour sleep, still not able to sleep on the side of him and his girlfriend's bed let alone look at it without getting flashbacks of that night nearly 4 months ago now. A frown instantly came to his face, just like every other morning when his eyes met with your coffee cup, your bright red lipstick stain still there yet just, even more, faded then it was the day before. Then, he tried to close his eyes again to go back into this dream where you were telling him he'd be just fine. 

"...Jack, bud, you need to wake up buddy," Corbyn whispered softly, an annoyed groan coming out of Jack's mouth as he reluctantly got up 

"Fine..." Jack mumbles and grumbles, staring down at the shirt that was laying right in front of him, just hoping that telepathically the shirt would come to him so he wouldn't have to move any more than he already had done. Corbyn however somehow got the hint and chucked it to him so Jack wouldn't have to move any further

"...There ya go," Corbyn said, smiling sympathetically, knowing today was going to be a really hard day for Jack

"Thanks, Corbs, I'll be down in a couple, just give me a sec," Jack said after taking a huge gulp of water, Corbyn nodding his head and taking that as his cue to leave Jack and go downstairs 

Just as Jack was about to walk downstairs to start his long but hard day with the boys, he walked past a photo from of you and him from months ago. It took him a second to recognise that it was of you two but as soon as he caught eyes with it, he was brought right back to that day of the photo being taken. 

flashback \ 5 months ago

"...JACK STOP!" Lani's contagious laughter and squeal fill the lounge room as I chase her throughout the room. Lani weaves through Zach, Corbyn, Daniel and Jonah as she tries to get away from me as I am hot on her tail, her laughter ringing through all our ears making all of us laugh and smile. 

"NEVER!" I yell out before bursting out into laughter as I accidentally ran into Corbyn who also burst out into laughter

"WHAT DID YOU---OMG!" Lani abruptly stopped running to turn around to see what had happened, bursting out into even more laughter as she noticed the look on Corbyn's face and me as I placed my hands on my knees trying to calm myself down from my laughing fit 

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