Daniel Seavey

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{imagine} {already gone}

{warnings; death, cancer, swearing, may be triggering.

{description; daniel's girlfriend, lorelai has cancer and is dying. she tries to get daniel to move on, knowing that she's Already Gone

{a/n; you may wanna bring tissues if you are highly sensitive and known to cry reading things like this}

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Remember all the things we wanted, now all our memories they're haunted. 

Daniel and his girlfriend, Lorelai had planned to do so much together. They planned on getting engaged, getting married, having kids together, living together, travelling when Why Don't We weren't on tour, making YouTube videos together, the absolute lot. They had planned so much but now, these memories were just haunted and won't ever be experienced together. 

Lorelai was sick, very sick, she had been in the hospital the last couple of months due to intense chemotherapy. It was absolutely devastating for her and Daniel, Lorelai was barely able to leave her hospital bed without feeling weak or dizzy. It broke Daniel's heart to the core, especially when he couldn't be with her to keep her safe and make sure she wasn't scared when he was touring or with Why Don't We. 

We were always meant to say goodbye, even with our fists held high. 

Lorelai and Daniel both believed in the saying that, 'everything happens for a reason' and, at first, of course, Lorelai and Daniel did not think that her cancer diagnosis was a blessing. They thought it was a mean, rude, cruel curse put upon them. However, throughout the process, Lorelai started to go back to church and she would start praying to God again. All of a sudden, the curse of her cancer went away and, it became a blessing in disguise. Yes, she never expected this was how she'd say goodbye to Daniel but, her and Daniel, no matter what was always meant to say goodbye. Even with their fists held high in celebration of Lorelai's strength, they were always meant to say goodbye to each other in some way, shape or form. 

It never would have worked out right, we were never meant for do or die. 

Although being told that Lorelai's treatment was no longer working was heartbreaking and terrifying, it just made that, Lorelai and Daniel weren't meant for do or die. Although it was hard for Daniel to comprehend that he wasn't ever going to get married, engaged, have kids with Lorelai, have their own house together, it made him realise so much more and look at the bigger picture of the situation. 

I didn't want us to burn out, I didn't come here to hurt you now, I can't stop. 

For weeks, Lorelai had been trying to tell Daniel to stay at home with the WDW boys because she knew that soon, she wasn't going to be alive any longer. She didn't want to hurt him, that was never her intention when she first met Daniel and the guys. However, because of how much he loved her and wanted to be sure she was safe, he refused to leave her bedside and stayed with her all day, every day. 

"...Danny, I thought you said you were going home?" Lorelai whispered as she woke up, her voice groggy as she notices that Daniel hadn't left as he promised her he would 

He didn't answer Lorelai, as if he knew she was right and that he should have listened. Lorelai asked him why he lied to her, Daniel feeling bad that he lied.

"Daniel, come on, why did you lie to me?" Lorelai sat up as much as she could as Daniel sighed heavily, he didn't answer because he had no answer to give her

"I-I don't know, I just, I just wanted you to rest and get some sleep so, I said that to you so you would go to sleep. I'm sorry," Daniel whispered as he plonked his head onto Lorelai's leg as she pouted, her hand brushing through Daniel's messy hair 

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