Telling Him Your Pregnant

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{warnings; loads of emotions, fluff, loads of happy tears and some swearing (maybe, if I remember)

{description; you are telling you boyfriend that you are pregnant

{a/n; these are like one of the many preferences I love to read as well as write so, I hope I've just gotten better, enjoy!

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Since finding out the reason for you being so sick was due to being pregnant, you knew instantly that you had to come up with an out-of-this-world way to tell Jonah that you two were becoming parents. However, you were kinda stuck with ideas and how you would tell Jonah so, you decided to watch some pregnancy announcement videos when you didn't realise who was standing behind you. Whilst you were watching the pregnancy idea videos, you didn't realise Jonah was watching you hold the pregnancy test and a little panda onesie in your hand as you try to figure out how to tell him. 

"...Babe, are you hungry...?" Jonah went over to ask if you were hungry when he suddenly noticed the video you were watching and what was being held in your hands as you watched those videos 

Due to no answer from either Y/N or Jonah, Y/N decided to pause the video she was watching to then turn around to answer Jonah, when she realised why he wasn't responding. 

"...Hey Jo, I am a little hungry, what do you want to eat?" Y/N responded as you noticed Jonah's eyes filling with tears as he gulped as you looked confused, he then motioned to the video and what was laying in your lap 

"Y-Y/N i-is this why you were so sick?" Jonah stuttered, the tears welling in his eyes as that was when you looked down to your lap, noticing the panda onesie and the positive pregnancy test as you looked back up to Jonah 

"Jonah, we're becoming parents! This is why I had been so sick!" You whispered as the small, soft tears streamed down Jonah's face as he pulled you into his arms as he happily cried into your shoulder 

"H-how far along are you?" Jonah sniffled as he giggled tearfully at himself 

"2 months," You replied simply which made Jonah's tears stream even more as you squeezed him as tight as you could 

"What?! You've been pregnant for two months? Is that why you've been so sick?" Jonah's voice cracked as you giggled softly, nodding your head 

"Yes, this is why I've been so sick baby! It's because there's a little, tiny baby Marais in here!" You giggled as you pulled back to show him although there was little to no bump as he covered his mouth so he wouldn't loudly sob as he smiled in pure joy 

"Holy shit, Y/N! It's actually happening?!" Jonah squealed as a tear left his cheek as you giggled, nodding your head, Jonah not wanting to let go of the warm, cosy, tight hug you were in 

"Yes, it is! We're becoming parents babe!" You responded with a giggle as Jonah just couldn't deal with it, he was so excited. 

Daniel; {Your POV}

It had been a week since I found out that I was pregnant again and that Daniel and I were getting a second chance at becoming parents. Meaning that, I was now 4 weeks pregnant and, I still was needing to tell Daniel. However, I was still coming up with an inventive  way to tell him as last time I told him, it was in the airport after he had returned home from tour. But, today, the boys have a radio show and, I don't know if I should surprise him there or, if I wait until he comes home again and do it at home. That's when it popped into your head, scavenger hunt! It was something that as kids you and Daniel did a lot together for each other's birthdays and for random things. 

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