13, 15, 57, 86 & 67 ♡ Zach Herron

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{requested by me.} 

{warnings; trigger warnings for r@pe and other things, crying, swearing and fighting.} 

{description; you (alliona) was r@ped but refuses to believe it actually happened or refuses to get herself checked until her boyfriend zach notices that the marks and bruises on her body weren't due to her being clumsy like she originally convinced everyone they were from.} 

{a/n; this will be a very heavy chapter i will say it straight up. there will be trigger warnings in place for where it's needed and as always, flashbacks will be in italics and the prompt will be in bold as well. please enjoy if you feel like you can read it but, if not, I'm not forcing you to read this chapter.} 

"You can't keep pretending it didn't happen, cause guess what? It did!" 

"Stop pretending you're okay, cause I know you're not!" 

"You know it was a lie, you just didn't want to believe that (s)he could do that to you!" 

"Why does this hurt so much? Why does it hurt?" 

"(s)he-(s)he ra-raped me..." 

- - - 

{Alliona's POV

After a long boring day at college at UCLA, I couldn't wait to come home. Zach, my boyfriend and his band, Why Don't We were home for a couple of weeks before they were to perform some shows for Jingle Ball before Christmas. Meaning that I was so bloody excited to see them again. 

However, as I caught eyes with a bruise on my leg, I couldn't help but remember that day before Zach and I finally started to date 6 months ago. As, before Zach and I started to date, we were best friends and I was dating someone else. And that someone else was abusive but, mentally so, when he was physically abusive, it ruined me and, I never told anyone. However, when I thought I had broken up with him and gotten away from him, I was proven very wrong. I suddenly shuddered as I accidentally bumped into another UCLA student. 

"..I-I am so sorry!" I wince out softly, not wanting to even look at the person just in case they tried to hurt me

"Oh, don't worry it's o-- Alliona, you okay?" The person suddenly turned around, making me lift my head up, I then gulped before I realised who it was. It was my friend Callie. 

"Y-yea, w-why wouldn't I be okay, Callie?" I gulped, trying to hide my sudden bout of PTSD

"You flinched Alliona, are you sure you're okay?" Callie asked when she suddenly realised. Callie was the only person who knew about my situation with my ex as her eyes went wide open 

"O-oh, Alliona! I am so sorry!" Callie wasted no time in pulling me into a hug as I whimpered in fear. This time due to the fact I still hadn't told Zach yet 

"I-I still have to tell Z-Zach and the boys!" I choke out as I can feel Callie get upset and her heart crack for me 

"Awe, Alli, you're gonna need to tell him! The boys come home today for two weeks don't they before Jingle Ball yeah?" Callie asks as I nod my head in her chest as she also nods her head 

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