First Look

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{preferences; wedding series} 

{warnings; emotional, very adorable, a lil teensy bit of swearing.} 

{description; this is the first look of your wedding! which includes the first time your bride squad sees you, your parental figure (whether it's your's or your husbands), your groomsmen/ best men and finally your husband to be for the first time. it's pretty much an emotional shebang and it'll be in your pov the whole time.} 

{a/n; yay, I'm really excited it's come to this spot in my wedding series finally!}

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Jonah; {Your POV}

Bridal Party

All of Jonah and I's bride squad and groomsmen were turned around facing the wall as I walk in, all dressed and ready for Jo and I's wedding. I bit my lip as I looked over at our wedding videographer to give the all-clear sign. 

"...Guys, you can turn around!"I say with a small giggle as the group turns around and they cheer instantly in excitement 

Straight away, Svea and my niece Chasity run towards me in excitement. I laugh as I pick Chasity up and carefully sit her on my hip as I look up to the rest of the group with a smile on my face. 

"You look amazing Y/N!" Svea squeals as she claps her hands in excitement 

"Thank you, darling! Y'all look amazing as well!" I smile as I then place Chasity down as my sister picks her up and takes her away 

Zeb, Jonah's older brother than walks over with the biggest smile on his face and his arms wide open. I smile and happily allow him to pull me in for a hug. 

"You look stunning Y/N!" Zeb whispers into my shoulder as we hug 

"Thank you, Zeb! So do you and the rest of the group! Wow, it's actually happening!" I giggle as he pulls away but grabs my hands, giving me a comforting smile 

"I know! It's actually happening but everything will be fine! Jonah is so excited!" Zeb smiles as I smile 

"Really?" I smile as Zeb nods his head as I bite my lip, my smile growing 

I hung out with my bridesmaids, maid of honour and groomsmen and best man for about five more minutes before it was time for Jonah's parents, Carrie and Timothy to come in for their first look with me. 

Carrie and Timothy 

"I'm so excited like..." I was having a cute little conversation with Gabbie, my bridesmaid when she nudged me, I looked up to see that Carrie and Timothy had walked in

"...Oh, Y/N, darling, you look stunning!" Carrie cooed as she rushed over as I smiled, standing up as well and giggled as she pulled me into her arms 

"Thank you, Carrie! You look amazing as well!" I smile, complimenting the beautiful maroon dress that just fit her perfectly 

"Awe, thank you, darling!" She smiles as she then steps back to allow Timothy to give me a hug 

"Aww, Y/N, Jonah is going to be in so much shock when he sees you!" Timothy smiles brightly as he tightly hugs me as I smile 

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