You Find Out Your Pregnant

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{preference} {this is the better, new and improved version}


You had been in and out of hospital recently whilst Jonah, your boyfriend, had been on tour and you had no idea why you had been in and out of the hospital so many times. It was perplexing, not just for you and Jonah but, also for the doctors as they couldn't seem to work out what was happening. Jonah had been constantly ringing, texting you whenever he got the chance, just to make sure you were okay. You were chatting to him right now actually as you sat in the hospital, about to have a pregnancy test done as the doctors were now suspecting that you were pregnant. 

{italics is Jonah and bold is y/n}

'You alright Princess?'  

'Yeah, I'm fine thanks love. But, I'm back at the hospital though,' 

'Why? What are you there for now?' 

'Just for some more testing as they think they've figured it out,' 

'That's amazing baby girl! Can you tell me what it is? Have they told you yet?' 

'No, not yet, sorry bubs but, I'm sure they will shortly,' 

'Dang it! I was hoping I was gonna get an answer as to why my baby girl has been so sick recently!' 

You could hear the pout in your boyfriend's voice as you softly giggled. The thing was, you did know what was wrong with you but, due to you wanting to surprise Jonah, you didn't tell him. 

'Sorry babe, but, I promise once I am told that I'll tell you. Well, I've gotta go now as I'm wanted for some more testing but, I'll ring you later. I love you so much and, go kill it in San Antonio with your boys! I'll be cheering for you all the way from this hospital bed!' 

You could hear Jonah giggle softly on the other line as you could also tell the little huff and puff he made as well which made you giggle. You were head over heels for this boy and, you two were potentially about to become parents together. 

'Well, dammit but, good luck princess and, I'll see you soon! And, the boys and I will defeintly be performing for you tonight. We love you and we wish you the best! Mwah!' 

That kissy noise that Jonah made, always for some reason made you laugh. Maybe it was because you could picture his lips in that duck face position and him saying it. Or, something like that but, it always made you giggle. 

'Thanks baby! Okay, I really gotta go now! Love you so much!' 

Jonah made another kissy noise as he then hung up as the doctor then came in with a beaming smile. She was holding the pregnancy test I had just taken and some other stuff. 

"...So, did you find out why I've been so sick recently?" I questioned as the doctor lovingly beamed at me, nodding her head enthusiastically 

"It's because you're two months pregnant my love..." Hold up, what? Two months pregnant without realising it? That's crazy! Well, it kind of makes sense when I think about it now! 

"...Woah, I have had a human in my belly for two months and I've been oblivious to it up until now! What the frick!" I whisper as the doctor and I giggle to one another as I just start to think about how all the ways I was gonna tell Jonah 

Daniel; {Your POV}

Taking a big deep breath, trying to calm down was difficult as I stayed sitting on the cold tile floor of Daniel and I's shared bathroom as the boys were all chilling downstairs, having no clue that this was going on upstairs. I was awaiting the results of the pregnancy test that was sitting in front of me with my phone on a set timer with my vlogging camera recording this. I was an absolute wreck, this wasn't the first time Daniel and I tried for a baby though, it was our second. The first time, I had a miscarriage around the 3 week mark of becoming pregnant, it was absolutely devastating, for both Daniel and I but, during our mourning period of our baby angel, I had never, ever seen Daniel cry as much as he did during that first couple of months after it happened. Hence why I was literally shaking, crying and having a full on panic attack in front of the camera whilst trying to keep silent so the boys wouldn't get suspicious as to why I wasn't downstairs with them and to keep hopeful that maybe, maybe, this time Daniel and I could finally start our family, finally. 

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