Why Don't We

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{imagine; why doesn't my dad want me - free audio (the audio  i ended up using was called 'daddy issues'}

{warnings; teen angst, dad's not loving their daughter, supportive wdw boys, swearing}

{description; you (Nicoletta) has never had the best relationship with your dad and today was the day that the boys were told about it although you didn't want them finding out like this.

{a/n; if this is a touchy subject and you can relate, if you don't want to read it, that is perfectly okay. but, if you do, please proceed with caution! like always, the free audio will be italicised bold, flashbacks in italics and everything else in normal font. enjoy my loves xx

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Nicoletta's POV

I was wondered as to why I didn't have the best relationship with my Dad but, now that I am older and have the life I dreamed of and have the best step-dad ever, I just don't question who my biological dad is and why he did what he did anymore. That was until today apparently... 

"...U-uh, Nicoletta, why is your Dad waiting at our front door?" Corbyn, my boyfriend suddenly called out in fear as my eyes widened and I jumped off of the couch 

"Wait, what? What the fuck is he doing here?" I call out, running over to the door, looking through the peephole to see it really was him. Why is he here? 

"I-I don't know, he's been there for thirty minutes. I-I would've thought that the first time I ignored him that he'd leave but, no-no, he's just stayed there..." Corbyn trailed off, rubbing his hands anxiously as I suddenly realized what was going on. That man who is supposed to be my Dad wants my best friends to know why I never talk about him anymore and only talk about my stepdad. 

I take a sharp breath in, open the door and before he can even get a word in, I just rip the bandaid off straight away, shocking everyone, including him. 

"Father's leave. You know, sometimes you can let it go, sometimes you can't," 

I say as if it was normal as Corbyn comes up behind me, placing a hand on my back. 

"W-what are you talking about Nicoletta? Just let him in..." Corbyn said with caution as I rolled my eyes before allowing him to come in as he then shut the door behind him for once

Again, before that man could get a word in, I spoke over him. 

"Do you remember that night the thunder shook the apartment? I was five , and I thought the lightning was so bright I thought the world was on fire. I'm all under my covers,crying and you come flying into the room and peak under the covers and decide to make it a game. You said the lightning was the Northern Lights. You made that entire night an adventure until the storm passed and I woke up the next morning and, it was a sunny day. Don't you remember that?" 

Okay, I doubt Dad would remember that far down the track as to be fair, after that day when I was six, he slowly started to fade away into the darkness and lose himself. So, he probably doesn't remember but, I do and, he needs to know as, for the first maybe five years of my life, he was an amazing Dad but, just what happened after that is my question. 

"No, I don't."

That's when I giggle. I laugh because, well, I'll tell you. 

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