Daniel Seavey

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{warnings; none other than this makes me think daniel's gonna be an amazing dad one day!} 

{description; you (deliah) and your older sister (darian) walk in on daniel taking care of the youngest sibling in your family whilst you and darian had a girly day out. it makes you fall even more in love with daniel, especially considering you were two months pregnant, not that he knew about it anyway...} 

{a/n; i love this idea and it gives me butterflies hehe, enjoy fluffy daniel, enjoy!}

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{Your POV}

My older sister Darian had just said the weirdest joke as we drove home from our girly day out and, we were currently about to die of laughter. Not of the fact that we were way too close of getting a speeding ticket because of how much over the speed limit I had accidentally gone but because we were crying of laughter due to the dad joke Darian had told. 

"---Darian! Never do that again!" I cackle as I unlock the door to me and my boyfriend Daniel's house to see that he was on the floor playing with Dakota, Darian and I's youngest sister. 

"Hey babe, hey Darian, I thought you were gonna call me when you were coming home," Daniel perked up, giving Dakota a quick kiss to her head, a big smile forming on her face before slithering his hands around my small waist, pulling me into him as I giggle

"Oh, shoot, sorry darling! I knew I had to do something as soon as I got into the car!" I facepalmed as Darian rolled her eyes and walked over to Dakota to see what she had been doing with Daniel whilst we were gone 

"Don't worry about it love. To be fair, Dakota is really entertaining and literally the cutest thing ever! It shocks me that you've got so many siblings and she's the youngest!" Daniel said as we walked into the kitchen for our private chat. Something we've always done since, forever really, just to debrief each other on our day and just random things we were feeling throughout the day. 

"I totally forgot that Mom dropped Dakota off today. What time did they get here?" I giggled, butterflies fluttering around as I go back to that image of Daniel and Dakota on the floor playing as Darian and I walked in 

"*giggles* I did for five seconds until I noticed the note that your Mom wrote last night before she left but, she arrived with Dakota at around, like, I wanna say 10 am which was totally fine as I had woken up early to finish some beats I had been messing with so, it was all good when Dakota came in," Daniel smiles as we both turn around and down at our feet to see that Dakota was holding her arms out to Daniel, wanting him to pick her up as we both giggled

Daniel lovingly smiled and picked up Dakota as he then gave me a quick hug before walking back into the living room. In which they were in earlier when Darian and I came home. 

Darian comes up behind me and whispers in my ear, "When are you gonna tell him? I mean, look how amazing he already is with Dakota? Just imagine how much better he'll be with his own little bundle of joy!" Darian whispers, making me smile as I look down at my two-month not-so-pregnant bump - yeah, I'm two months pregnant and Daniel's the last person I have to tell 

"I don't know Darian! I was hoping to surprise him with the help of the other four but, I realised that maybe, that isn't a good idea as we all know how much Zach and now Corbyn want to spill the beans!" I hush out through my teeth so Daniel couldn't hear as Darian giggles

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