Chapter 28

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Day 56

Miss Aeliana called out to the small group by the door, including me. "Remember, a clear mind births a clear understanding."

Small talks were made as the members of my session and I moved along. We talked about our plans for the day, moving progressively like a cloud of sandalwood and lavender; Miss Aeliana favourite choice of fragrance.

"They're both my favourite, I could never pick one," she once claimed, putting more emphasize on never.

Our laughter bounced against the wall as plans were made and promises of shared s'mores were pinky promised before we all parted ways at a junction.

Left alone to my thoughts, I could finally dwell on the bomb Camila dropped last night after the whole mirror incident and a quick shower from my side.


My steps were still graceful and calculated. Believe me when I say that the earring totally did a number on me. Thanks to it, I had to visit the clinic for a shot to prevent any risk of infection. So not only did I have a slight limp, but a still sore arm.

"Could you switch off the lights while you're at it?"

It was well past lights out, but Camila had been looking for yet another glorious item from her wardrobe. At least this time, it was something a lot bigger, her leather jacket.

I looked her way. She was bundled up in her blanket and all ready for bed. "Did you find the jacket?"

She looked up, rubbing at her neck. "Yeah, it was underneath my extra blankets. Hehe," she smiled sheepishly.

I muttered an 'of course' under my breath, rolling my eyes. I switched off the lights and hopped into bed. My fingers instantly wrapped around the locket laying lazily on my chest as I closed my eyes, imagining what could possibly be.

"Hey," Camilaa whispered. "Are you asleep?"

My voice sounded a bit groggy. "No. What's up?" I turned over to my side until I was looking at her laying form in the dark.

She tossed around, facing me. "First, I just want you to know that I'm very proud of you. I mean, girl... You actually looked in the mirror," she gasped, looking like she would tackle me with hugs and kisses any minute from now.

I laughed at her, feeling a little warm in my chest. Camila, more than anyone else knew how much I struggled with the fear.

We laid on our side, still smiling and staring at ourselves across the moonlit room.

After what felt like too-long of a minute, she finally spoke again. "My time here is drawing to a close." Her voice seemed to simmer down again.

I almost laughed if not for the seriousness of her voice. The way she spoke reminded me of a narrator from an old 90s movie. Those ones who had a certain kind of voice and talked in a certain kind of way. It was something they usually said when they were about to die or leave town.

"I'll be discharged in about four days from now." She could barely get the words out.

      All thought of laughing evaporated from my mind.


Room 12, Test Room.

Doctor Lisa was right in front of me, among the usual presence of nurses when I entered through the door. She was signing some papers and getting prepped up for her next appointment— me.

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