Chapter 15

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Day 28

Word of the day, happy.

You never really realise the importance of something until it's gone. Nor do you truly understand the joy of having simple things until it's no more.

Since that unfortunate night, happiness had been a very scarce emotion in my life. I mostly had distance memories of it; the laughter, the fun, the freedom.

It really wasn't the fact that my birthday was in four days or that I was allowed to talk to my family back home.


But I was pretty sure it had something to do with my new friends. It's funny how I thought nobody would like me before I came here yet look at me now. Smiling, an actual one.

"Hey! You coming or what?" Camila asked, pulling me out of my trance. She was bouncing from one leg to the other.

It was time for breakfast on an early Saturday morning. We had just returned from the gym; it was mandatory and I was currently taking my sneakers off. You would think they'll let us shower first before breakfast, but no. Camila on the other hand didn't seem to bother, she kept telling me to hurry up and that my speed could be compared to that of a tortoise.


She swore that the cinnamon rolls served at the cafeteria were the best she ever had, I wouldn't know though. Last week I had no intentions on moving from the bed; it was my first actual day.

"Andy, I swear if the rolls finishes before we get there, they'll be trouble," she grumbled, calling me by the annoying name she gifted me. I absolutely hated it and that's probably why she carried on with it.

I rolled my eyes. "We both know that won't happen."

"And how do you know?" She pouted.

She could be such a child sometimes and to think I was scared of her at some point. "Well because, we both know everyone get two servings, or so the timetable said" I pointed out.

"Oh," she replied softly.

I slipped on my flats and linked my arms with hers. "Well then, onwards," I said with my most impressive British accent, that got her laughing.

My eyes were fixed on her as she mumbled away while we walked at a moderate pace to the cafeteria. She was talking about some creep, Lucas who kept on staring at her during group therapy.

The cafeteria wasn't too far, if you knew your way and pretty soon, we were there in record time. We grabbed our trays, joined the line and got sucked into the savoury scent that hovered all around the hall.


My eyes widen in shock when I turned around to see Diamond. She had her head down, but the fact that she tapped me was all I could focus on. You might be thinking why just a simple tap would get me all excited, but that wasn't the case, it wasn't a simple touch, it was a big push.

Ever since our second trauma art therapy, I have been observing her; not in a creepy way. She was very reclusive, extremely shy, talked to no one and hates body contact, at least we had something in common. Anytime we had huge gatherings like in the cafeteria or during sporting activities, she would always come really early or not at all. As far as I knew, she had no friends; she was always alone, however I'm pretty sure it was by choice.

"Hi Diamond," I greeted, hoping she would look up. She did; a peep, but something nevertheless.

"Hi. Ehm...did you perhaps see a blue pen yesterday? It has little blue stars on it, I think I dropped it, "she mumbled, referring to the shared session we had yesterday.

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