Chapter 11

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Day 20

     Personally I think every girl wishes to have that whole roommate experience. Someone close to you to share moments with. A sister you never had.

     Intimidation wasn't something I felt often. I was raised up to never feel inferior to anyone, but for once in a long time, someone actually challenged that.

     She was a tall, skinny, olive skinned brunette with intense deep blue eyes, just like the colour of the room. I didn't know if she was happy to see me or not, her dead eyes gave nothing away. She was nicely dressed in all black; a leather jacket and skinny jeans with a tank top underneath and some combat boots. She seemed like a nice person, I think. What had me so pressured though were the piercings and tattoos. She had about five silver studs on both ears and her arms resembled a toddler's art project. It started from her fingers and crawled into the short sleeves of her jacket, peeping behind the collars. It was a mess; a beautiful mess.

     At that moment, I prayed her inner person wasn't as frightening as her outward appearance.

"Are you dumb or what?", she questioned, eyebrows quirked.

     I didn't know if she expected an answer for the second question, so I only answered to the first. "I- I'm new", I mumbled, hoping she heard me.

"Great. Well I'm Camila... Camila Reyes, but you can call me Camila, obviously", she introduced, shuggering off her jacket. "I guess we're roommates. That's your side of the room, obviously", she said, stretching her hand to the vacant side and rolling her eyes. "And that's my side. You stay in your side and your side only and I stay on mine. That's number one rule. If you fail to abide by that rule, there will be consequences", she warned, looking me straight in the eyes.

     I gulped, moisturising my dry throat and nodded.

"OK then". She walked forward, moving to her bed, however she stopped midway. "Oh and welcome to Vita Nova". She continued on her way, gracefully sat on the bed and began to pull her boots off.

Knock!... Knock!

     The door swung open, Miss Celesta at the other side. "Good, Miss Camila you're back already. I presume introductions have been made between you two?", she asked, looking between us.

"Well...from my part yes, from hers...welll", Camila said, smirking at Miss Celesta, then at me.

"I'm Andrea".

"Perfect!, Miss Camila I expect you to fill Miss Andrea in on everything concerning the institute. The rules and how things are run around here. Good things only. If I find out she got in some kind of trouble, you will be held accountable", she warned, her finger pointed to Camila's direction.

"Of course I will", Camila smirked, raising her hands in surrender.

     I stood there quietly, watching their exchange. Thanks to the way Camila was addressed, I knew I was in for trouble... Great.

     Miss Celesta turned to face me this time. "The set time for dinner is seven pm. If you decide to go Miss Camila will direct you, but if you desire to stay back, I see no problem. Lastly, lights out is by ten pm sharp", she informed. She wished us a lovely evening and off she went.

     The room fell into an awkward silence after the door clicked shut. Camila laid on her back, flipping through a magazine and totally ignoring me. I didn't want to stand there all awkwardly so I walked to where my luggage was dropped off; planning to sort things out.

     By the time I was done, the bed and pillow was dressed in a soft cotton grey sheet and pillowcase with a nice black quilt draped over it. I added  some fluffy pillows that I brought from home to make the bed feel more homely. My clothes, accessories, toiletries, shoes and other girly stuffs were neatly put away as well. I had a few books that I had planned to finish, but never did because "it" happened. I brought about five books with me, however I only saw three in my bag. I was quite surprised because I was pretty sure I had five books with me before leaving the house. I searched through the bag again, ensuring I hadn't overlooked it. As I turned one of the book over, I noticed a small note taped to the front.

TO THE STARSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora