Chapter 35

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Day 83

My shoe collection stared down at me as I deliberated between wearing an ankle boots or a strapped scandal.

I skipped over to my bed, leaving the closet and picked up my phone. I drew up the messaging app and read the last message Aidan sent.

We're going out somewhere fun.
Wear something comfortable.
Pick you up by 3.

That was it. There was no other clue. No location. Nothing.

I pocketed the phone and walked back to the closet, glancing at the ceiling long mirror. As far as being comfortable and presentable went, I thought my little combo of loosely fitted jeans, a white tank top and a black knitted sweater fitted the theme. I also had a scrunchie on my wrist just in case I needed it.

I did half a spin and walked back to stare at my shoes. I looked down at my outfit, then at my feet and back up at the shoes. I squinted my eyes, about to turn my head to the side when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

The screen displayed an incoming group call with Whitney and Amelia. I had a huge smile on my face as I answered the call.

"Hey girl!" They greeted at the same time, an infectious smile plastered on their faces.

"Hey." I waved at the screen.

"You ready yet?" Amelia asked, trying to peep down her screen.

My girls were the first people I contacted when Aidan sent the text. As much as I loved bickering over the phone with them, nothing could compare to having them presence.

University. Something I had envisioned crossing off with Whitney and Amelia. Our plans involved having a beautifully exciting summer and then off to the start of adulthood.

Brown University was the 'it' was us. It was the university that we dreamt of attending together. The place we dreamt of finding 'the one'. Of going to wild parties and studying till our heads hurt. Of cursing professors and complaining about excessive projects.

As they both blubbered on about what I should and shouldn't do on my date, I stared down at their sweatshirts. The same one I could've been wearing.

"...and it's okay to offer to pay," Whitney went on. I almost told her it wasn't my first time going on a date. Almost.

I shook my head. "Yeah. I got it."

Amelia rolled her eyes. "Typical Whitney. Going on about irrelevant things." She moved her hand in a swift motion, as if blowing away the topic. "Anyway, what are wearing?" She asked, trying down to peep down the screen again.

I laughed at her antics, double tapping on the phone screen to change it to the back camera view. I walked back to the mirror, striking a pose. "Well?"

"Hmm.." Whitney pondered, her hand to her chin.

Amelia had her head in a bounce. "It's cute. I like it. Definitely comfortable," she listed, her eyes moving up and down the screen.

"Shoes?" They asked at the same time.

I shrugged. "Haven't decided yet."

It took them like three seconds before they replied at the same time again. "Sneakers!"

There was a two seconds before we all bursted out laughing. I miss my girls so much.

So no to boots or scandals. "I don't know why I didn't think of that. Thanks guys."

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