Bring It In part 1

Start from the beginning

Until Smidge noticed the Classical Trolls didn't hug, "Uh, Poppy? Something's wrong with the Classical Trolls."

The Classical did nothing and just watched the other Trolls hug.

"No hugs? Uh, we better go see what's wrong," Poppy told Smidge.

"Can we keep hugging?'

"Of course!"

The three hugged tightly while they and the snack pack approached the Classical Trolls

"Uh, hey, Trollzart, Dante! Why aren't you hugging? Is everything okay? Is everything okay?" Poppy asked.

"Perfectly fine!" Dante answered, "Classical trolls simply..." He cleared his throat, "Don't hug."

This caused the Snack Pack to gasp for a long period of time as Poppy and Aggie looked shocked.

"Um, let's go talk in private," Poppy suggested as she and Aggie dragged Dante and Trollzart behind the bushes, and the Snack Pack fainted.

"Papa Trollzart, Dante, if you don't hug, how do Classical Trolls show love and affection?" Aggie asked.

"We find a dignified bow sufficient," Trollzart said bluntly as he and Dante demonstrated their bow with their hair crashed on Poppy and Aggie's faces.

"Oh, like at the end of a play!" Poppy pushed back Dante's hair from her face, "A long, formal, emotionally guarded play," As she said that Poppy's tone got sadder and sadder.

"Precisely!" Dante smiled, missing the unhappiness coming from Poppy.

"But you saw me and my mom hugged when my parents came here, right? We're so happy to see each other again, and we hugged together," Aggie recalled the time her parents came to TrollsTopia and they hugged together.

"Yes, because your culture is different from ours," Trollzart stated.

Aggie frowned and nodded, "Oh yeah. Magic Classical is still under the Magic Musical Tribe, so normal Classical Trolls and Magic Classical Trolls are different."

"Mm-hmm," Poppy murmured in agreement, then turned back to Trollzart and Dante, "But what about those special times when you're bursting with emotion and you just have to... AAAHHH!"

"Oh! Haha! We have those," Dante chuckled.


A classical troll couple were waiting by a bed. Then another one came in with a baby in her arms.

"Congratulations! It's a baby girl, "The troll said to the couple.

The parents then bowed to their new daughter and she bowed back.

*End of flashback*

"But we certainly don't want to be left out of a TrollsTopian custom," Dante added as he glanced at Trollzart. The two Classical Trolls nodded in agreement.

"Very Well, Poppy, Aggie. May we have a hug?" Trollzart requested.

Poppy and Aggie grinned in excitement as they shared their hug to the two Classical Trolls.

After Poppy and Aggie let them go, Trollzart and Dante were almost speechless.

"I... I found that... uninspiring!" Dante said.

"And dull," Trollzart added.

"What?!" Poppy and Aggie gasped.

"That can't be a reaction to your first hug!" The Queen of Pop said.

"Yeah, and I hugged you before, Trollzart! Remember?" Aggie reminded her adoptive grandfather

"Yes, but I never say anything so I would not hurt your feelings," Trollzart explained.

"Here! Let us try again."

The two girls hugged them.

"Mundane," Trollzart said in reaction.

"Wha?" Poppy asked and then hugged Dante again, and Aggie hugged Trollzart again.

"Humdrum," Dante complimented.

They hugged them once more.

"Bland!" the conductor spoke.

The two girls gasped, and gave them a really big hug

"Lackluster!" The two Classical Trolls exclaimed.

Poppy cried and collapsed on the floor, but quickly got up, "Okay. Don't worry. We're gonna go up to Classical Crest, and I am not leaving until you understand the magic of hugs!"

"Maybe we should leave them be, Poppy. It's their culture to not like hugs after all," Aggie said.

"I know, but they should adapt to different cultures too, just like each of us did," the Pop Queen pointed.

Aggie had a bad feeling if this is the right thing to do, but it won't hurt if Classical Trolls should learn new cultures, "Well, okay. I'm in.
"Good!" Poppy giggled, before giving Dante another hug.

"Oh!" Dante gasped as Poppy smiled excitingly, "Pedestrian!"

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" Poppy screamed loudly.


Okay, so this is the first part, and I'll get to the rest of the part of this episode soon. I meant to put Trollzart here because 'Bring It In' showed the Classical Trolls' behavior, so... besides Dante, he should be there to explain about his tribe's culture.

Also Legsly appeared here with the Snack Pack since she's an underrated character, and she should appear as well to be fair.

Trollstopia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now