Wk 3 (x'mas) pt 4: Stream flashback

Start from the beginning

A cat meows, and I look past him, distracted. He slaps me. "Not that idiot," he sneers. "Me."

Trailing his fingers along my skin, I shiver in fear and disgust as he goes to the back of me. I feel a cold metal digging into my back, and the sharp sense of pain. He smirks against my skin. 

Maybe if I ask...

"It hurts." He laughs, chilling. "That's the point, sweetheart." 

He pauses, tracing patterns into my skin. "You know, no one is going to save you.

"My eyes widen. "Help!" I shout as loud as I could. He slaps me again, eyes sharp. I shake my head.

 His breath hot on my neck, he murmurs against my skin. "No one will come for you." He giggles.I feel a wetness on the back of my neck and I realize he's cut me, only to lick off the blood. 

Circling back to the front of me, he smiles widely. 

"Come now!" He claps his hands. " Fun! I'm sure you don't mind."

I gulp. 





"Hm, what was that? I seem to have heard a little protest.." He replies running his hands through my hair.

Third Person:

Tommy was downstairs when he heard his phone buzz.

Dream: HELP

Tommy: What's up


Tommy: We'll be right there

Tommy closes his phone, and yells for Wilbur and Phil to turn off the music and hurry.

Tommy quickly takes the stairs, two at a time, towards Technos room.

As he does, his thoughts whirl. I heard glass shatter but I thought it was a bit!

Reaching the top of the stairs, he skids on the bare wood. Taking a right turn, he enters Techno's 

room, Wilbur and Phil hot on his heels.

The sight he sees when he enters his room was heartbreaking. A soft glow was emitted from the computer, but that was all the light. Tommy turns, trying to find Techno. Hearing sobbing, he jerks towards the corner, where Techno was against the wall, head in hands. He was holding his head tightly, shaking it, his eyes wide and frantic.

Wilbur's breath catches, never having seen Techno do this before. Phil, trying to maintain his always-calm demeanor, starts to go towards Techno with the intention to touch him, but gets stopped by Tommy.

"Huh?" Phil asks, voice choked.

Tommy shakes his head. "Don't touch him yet, he'll not respond well."

Phil raises an eyebrow at Tommy. "And how should you know?"

Tommy bites his lip, and shakes his head again. "Not the time."

Techno was on the floor, literally, hands over his head, slinking into a ball and screaming. Tommy creeps forward, and sits on the floor. "I'll be here when you need me."

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