Wk 1 Pt 5: Waow lookit the mall

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"Oh, sorry hon."


"It's ok, I wasn't hurt by it."

She hummed, then turned back. "Follow me, we're going to the actual clothes secion." Techno raised his eyebrow. Ok?

"Can you take off your jacket for me? I neeed to measure your size."

He shrugged uncomfrtably. "Alright."

Techno tugged it off, and immedately regretted it. The shop attendant's eyes filled with tears, seeing his slashed arms. "O-oh." Techno cursed himself. Shit, I didn't remember about that.

"It's ok Hon, it's fine," she quickly recovered. "Uh..What are your preferred colours?"

Techno sighed. Thank god she didn't make a big deal of it. Now, how do I answer this? Do I give all my preferred colours, is it to much?

"Uh, i like red, black, a dull yellow and gray.. Mostly any colour, really."

She nodded, left for a second, and returned with a pile of clothing. This was going to take a while.

One very long time later, all things were bought that were needed. Techno had a whole new wardrobe, mostly. But the problem was, he didn't know where the rest of the Sleepy Bois Inc were.

He sent a quick text on the groupchat:

Smart PigMan:

Phil help where are you


We can see you, we're currently talking with the fans


Come ove to us

You won't regret it

Face reveal POGGGGG

(Editor Random:

Techno's already done a face reveal. It was in his hardcore minecraft with a steering wheel stream. He didn't make a big deal out of it but it's easy to find.)

beanie guy:

Dude he has social xniety wtf

Smart PigMan:

k, where are you? i brought a pig mask for this exact reason.


Dude why do you even have that

Smart PigMan:

Always be prepared. -Sun Tzu

Tommy sent an attachment:

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