Chapter 67

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Demi's POV

"What can we do?" Lauren asked me the question I had been asking myself for about an hour. "I don't know," I gave the girl a shaky sigh, "I don't even think she knows how long I've been here." Lauren gave me a sympathetic smile, as if she knew what I was experiencing at the moment. She then went to knock on the stall that Ally was in.

"Angel, it's me," Lauren said softly. The dry heaving stopped at the sound of her voice. "What do you want?" Ally could hardly speak. "Come out of the stall," Lauren pleaded. "I can't," her voice cracked. "Please?" I begged her. "I really can't," it was obvious that she was crying.

I gave Lauren a questioning look, as if I could ask her without words whether or not we should get a teacher. Somehow she understood the look I was giving her and nodded. She walked up to me and whispered, "I'll stay. You go." "Are you sure?" I asked in the same tone, causing her to nod and for me to exit the bathroom.

Before I had the chance to find anyone, a familiar face walked up to me. The young man's face was ridden with guilt and worry. While I had never truly had a conversation with him because he was a year older then me, I knew of him rather well. Out of everything I had learned about this boy, it was definitely a horrible time to hear anything from him.

"You're friends with Ally, right?" Troy asked me. "Yes," I didn't know how else to reply. "Do you know if she's okay? She didn't show up to class yet and I'm really worried," he confessed to me, "I saw her come in this morning, so I know that she's here. I saw her with her friends and I saw her when Ashley and Miley went up to her, but the warning bell rang and I headed to class."

Hold on a second. Ashley and Miley had gone up to Ally, Dinah, and Normani? This definitely couldn't be good. Whatever happened between the five of them must have been worse then ever before, because this was the first time I had ever seen Ally in a crisis without anyone there to help her through it.

No matter what, I couldn't tell Troy what was going on with Ally. She couldn't trust him. None of us could trust him, especially after leaving Ally for Ashley. I needed to divert the attention from Ally in this conversation to prevent myself from telling him what was going on. I quickly decided to turn the attention right onto him. There was no better way to change the subject.

"Excuse me," I began, "But why should I even tell you what is or isn't going on with Ally? You're not apart of her life anymore. You just stood up and left her without so much as a word. You don't deserve to know anything about her anymore." "I still care about her," he murmured. "If you truly cared about her you wouldn't have done what you did," I retorted.

"She didn't love me anymore! What did you want me to do?" Troy demanded. "She may not have loved you romantically, but you were her best friend. You don't leave your best friend," I told him, "Ever." "Well she was some best friend. She lead me on even though she really loved Lauren! What kind of person does that?" Troy was pretty upset. "A person who's scared to be abandoned," I replied.

"Look," he sighed, "Do you want to know why I did what I did?" "Not particularly, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me anyways," I commented to myself. "I haven't told this to anyone, but I'm going to tell you," he continued, not even hearing what I said, "Ashley has been paying me a lot of money to make it look like I'm dating her and to ignore Ally completely. She's been paying me $500 a week to be exact. She proposed it to me the same day I found out about Lauren. I mean, ever since she first came to this school I could tell that Ally was acting different, but I guess I didn't let myself admit the truth until the day it was right in front of my face. I was hurt and upset, so when Ashley proposed the money, I didn't even think before I said yes. I needed the money. The only reason I haven't stopped this yet is because I still need that money."

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