Chapter 24

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Selena's POV

Homework got boring incredibly quickly. I still wanted to get my mind off of Camila, so I decided to head to Demi's house early. I also didn't tell her I'd come earlier; I wanted to surprise her. I mean, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't surprise her?

Fast enough, I left my house and arrived at my best friend's house. There were no cars in her driveway besides her own, so I figured that her parents weren't home. I knocked our secret knock, yet there was no answer.

At first, I thought that maybe she was out with her family. Yet then I heard an incredibly faint sound. Even though it was incredibly risky to do this, I decided to investigate.

I knew that there was a secret compartment in the potted plant next to the door. She had told me this when we were little. I opened the compartment cautiously because the door to open it was very small. Inside of it was a can of pepper spray and a spare key to Demi's house.

Carefully, I took the key out and opened the door. Once I opened the door, I put the key back gently in its place. I then headed into the house and went in the direction of Demi's bedroom; the direction of the noise. Once I reached her room, I stood in front of the door to realize that the noise I was hearing was Demi sobbing, so I burst into her bedroom.

"Demi, what's wrong?" I asked quickly as I rushed to sit with Demi on her bed and hugged her tightly. "I-I-It's just N-Niall," she stuttered between sobs. "What did he do?" I demanded. "He wants m-me b-back," Demi cried. She put her head on my shoulder.

"Listen to me. You don't need any sort of boyfriend, especially not Niall, to complete you. You are such a strong and independent person, and even though you like Niall, you can live without him. You're better off without him in your life, okay? I promise you that you are going to be much happier now that he's out of your life," I told Demi.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Thank you," she said as her tears were already drying. "You're welcome. Now, it's time to cheer you up. Instead of going to the movies, lets bring the movies to us," I said. "So we're going to rent movies and have ice cream and pop corn?" Demi asked. "Obviously!" I exclaimed.

Grabbing Demi's hand, I pulled her off the bed as I got up, too. "Come on, let's go!" I exclaimed again. With that, Demi and I hurried out of the house and went to the video store a block away.

Lauren's POV

My new cuts on my thighs were stinging, comforting me. I knew I had to stop this one day, but I hoped to be dead before I'd ever have to confront anyone about getting help.

"How have you girls been?" our mother asked. "It's been hard," I said. "But we're okay," Camz added quickly, "and you?" "Same," my mother replied. We then stayed silent, since everything was still awkward.

"Why did you come?" I asked after a moment. "Lauren," Camz whispered in my ear, trying to get me to stop talking, but I ignored her as I continued, "Why did you come after all of these years? You probably have some whole other life now, clearly with a new kid and all, so why come back for us?"

Our mother sighed before she said, "When you girls were little, I was depressed. I don't know why, but I just had a lot of problems that you probably won't understand. Anyways, I decided that leaving you two would be your best option. Your father and I moved to Spain, and I pulled myself together. Sofia came as a surprise to us, but we felt as though we were ready. After a few years, we decided that we were ready to come back, so we did everything to prepare and well now we're here. We never forgot you, and never stopped loving you."

Neither Camz or I knew how to answer to that. I just nodded, and I saw my sister do the same from the corner of my eye.

After another moment of silence, our mother got up. "Well we should be on our way, since we have things to do, but we'll try to come back sometime this week, okay?" she said. She grabbed Sofia in her arms. I didn't acknowledge either parent, yet Camz hugged both our mom and dad, even though he hadn't said a word for the whole visit.

Soon enough, our family left. "So how did you find it?" Camz asked me. "I don't want to talk about it," I told her. She nodded in understanding.

"By the way, we have an appointment with Oscar today," I added after a moment. Camz nodded silently and headed to her room.

I felt bad that I had made my sister sad, yet I couldn't handle everything. I knew what I had to do. I had to go back to my plans. I hoped that I would be able to go through with it before we started school.

The time had come for me to kill myself.

Demi's POV

Selena had given me a nice pep talk, and I was glad to have someone as amazing as Selena in my life. Plus, she wasn't just in my life, but she was my best friend.

My friend brought me to the video store that was close to my house even though I was still in my pajamas. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone out on the street.

Quickly, I headed for the food isle while Selena went to look at movies to watch, since I had no idea what I wanted to watch.

Within a few minutes, I picked out large bags of popcorn and candy, two tubs of both cotton candy and ice cream. After I managed to pick up all of this, I went to find Selena in one of the movie isles.

On the way to the isles, I passed by some people. I didn't know most of the people there, until I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, that honestly I didn't expect to see. As soon as I saw this, I knew I had to hide it from Selena.

** SOOOO what do u think it is??? :) (if u want help guessing go look through chapters 8-12 u may find a hint somewhere in there... Just saying ;))

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