Chapter 18

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Selena's POV

As school ended, I knew what I had to do. I walked with Camila to our lockers and began to get my stuff. I wasn't sure if Camila wanted me to tell Demi, so I decided that I should ask her about that.

Just as I was about to ask, Camila had to leave. She said goodbye and walked away with her sister. At the same time, Demi and Niall walked up to me hand in hand.

The mere sight of Niall made me want to throw up. What made it worse was when Harry joined us. I didn't know what Camila saw in him, I really had no clue.

"Hey Selena, how was last period?" Demi asked me. "It was good," I replied. We continued to talk as we headed to Demi's car. Once there, Demi and I got in as Harry and Niall said goodbye.

We left towards Demi's house after this. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Demi asked as she drove. She seemed so good spirited and happy; I didn't want to ruin her happiness, yet at the same time she did have to know.

"Uh, I forgot," I told her. I had decided to tell her at a later date, maybe even with Camila.

Camila then consumed my thoughts. I was falling for her really hard, and I wasn't sure if I should tell her or not; or how she would react. Also, I knew she had a hard life, and would I be adding to her stress? I didn't want to do that; that would be cruel.

Yet I absolutely detested seeing her with Harry. He wasn't a bad guy or anything, but I just wanted Camila to myself. I didn't want her to start liking some guy and then possibly get her heart broken.

"Earth to Selena? Sel, are you there? Hello?" Demi was asking as she waved her hand in front of my face. "What happened?" I asked. "Nothing, but you were like in your own world for the past ten minutes, I got worried," Demi said. "Sorry," I muttered.

"Selena, what's wrong?" Demi asked after a moment. "Nothing, really, I was just thinking about Camila," I replied. Demi raised her eyebrows at me twice.

"No, stop that, I'm not thinking about good things," I trailed off. "Well then what are you thinking about?" Demi asked as we pulled into her driveway. "Whether or not I should tell her, and if I do, then when," I told her.

The two of us then went into her house. No one was home yet, so we went straight up to her room. As Demi closed the door, she said, "Its really up to you if you tell her."

"But I have no idea if I should or not. I've never told a girl how I feel before," I confessed. "Well then how did you realize you like girls?" Demi asked.

I blushed at this. "Don't laugh," I warned. Demi nodded. "I realized I had a crush on Miley," I confided to her.

Demi began to laugh, and so did I. "You and Miley?" she asked while laughing. "I know, I don't know how I could like her," I replied while I laughed as well. "You two so wouldn't work," she commented. "I know," I replied as I caught my breath.

"How about on Friday, if she's still not officially dating Harry, tell her," Demi suggested after a moment of reflexion. "That could work," I nodded.

From that day, the week passed by very quickly. Before I knew it, it was already Thursday, and I was seriously contemplating confessing my feelings to Camila. I just hoped I was brave enough to do so.

Camila's POV

Lauren had been distant with me the entire week. She would barely talk to me because she was barely even home. Lauren would drop me off after school then head out until late hours of the night. She always came home drunk.

It was Thursday night when I stayed up all night to wait for her to come home. She stumbled in the door at one in the morning, which was early for her.

"What the hell Lauren? Why have you been gone all night every night?" I demanded as she flopped onto the couch. "Shhh, go to bed Camz," Lauren slurred. "No," I said.

"Go to bed!" Lauren screamed. She was really frightening me, so I headed to my room, yet I kept the door ajar and peeked through it to see what Lauren would do.

My sister stumbled over to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I got really scared and I honestly didn't even want to know what she was doing anymore, so I slammed my door shut and jumped into bed.

All night I lay in bed thinking. I thought about how much my life sucked. I thought about how over the next week I was going to have to do a hell of a lot of people. Yet most importantly, I wondered what would've happened if our parents hadn't left us.

Perhaps we wouldn't have had to live in the tunnels. Maybe we wouldn't have these horrible jobs. Or maybe we would've gone to school our whole lives, and be able to get a real job when we would be older. Perhaps we could've been happy.

"Come on Camz, time for school," Lauren came into my room the next morning and said softly. "Okay," I murmured as I sat up.

"Sorry about screaming at you last night," Lauren apologized after a moment. "It's okay, just please stop going out alone at night. Whatever you do, we can do together," I replied. She nodded in reply.

Quickly, the two of us got ready for school. Lauren wore her sunglasses as she had everyday that week because of her constant hangovers. I tried to get her not to go to school, but she insisted that Geoffrey would hate her even more if she didn't go.

Without further ado, we headed to school. Soon enough we got there, and Lauren and I headed with each other to our lockers.

Arms wrapped around my stomach as I was opening my locker. I turned around to see Selena smiling at me. "Hey," I said with a smile. "Hey boo," she replied.

"Boo?" I asked. "It's a term of endearment, do you mind?" Selena asked. "Not at all, boo," I replied with a wink. Selena gave a small hint of a giggle.

Niall and Demi then walked up to us hand in hand. They were still together because neither of us had the heart to tell Demi what Niall was doing.

Vanessa, Ashley, and Miley then joined us. Selena at this point let go of me and instead took my hand to hold, which I didn't mind at all. The eight of us talked for a little bit before we had to head to class.

"You ready to start the day?" Selena asked as we realized that we had to go to class. "Sure boo, as ready as I'll ever be," I replied. "Good," she stated simply, then we headed off with Vanessa to class, not knowing what was in store for any of us on that very day.

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