Chapter 27

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Ally's POV

I was really worried to go back to school in a few days. My grandfather had been getting worse and worse since the sleepover. At least my parents had come home for the week, yet they were leaving again soon.

Also, I didn't want to face Troy and Lauren. I was excited to see Lauren, but I might blow my cover. I was much more scared of seeing Troy because we had known each other since we were little kids, so he could tell when something was up.

These thoughts went through my mind most of that Friday. That was until Normani had texted me. I had known Normani for the amount of time that I had known Troy. We met Dinah just the year before when she was a freshman because she got lost in the school.

Normani: Hey Lemon Head! What's up?

Ally: Not much, just thinking, you?

Normani: Going out to the movies, do you want to come?

Ally: I'm not sure.

Normani: Come on, it'll be fun. I promise!

Ally: I really want to hang out with you, but can we just hang out at your house or something instead?

Normani: Sure, we have to talk about this thing that you're thinking of anyways.

With that, I put on my shoes and headed downstairs to the living room. "I'm going out," I said to my parents and grandfather. "Why?" my dad asked. "I'm going to Mani's house," I replied. "Okay, be back by tomorrow morning," he said. I nodded, then hurried out the door.

Normani lived two houses away. The only person who lived in between us was Ashley, which I didn't really enjoy. She was usually outside whenever I was, as if she was stalking me or something.

Unfortunately, that day was no different. Ashley was exiting her house with her dog in her purse. As soon as she saw me, she gave me a huge smile.

"Hey loser, how's your life going? Oh wait, that's right, you don't have a life, so you should just go kill yourself," Ashley said with fake enthusiasm.

I decided to ignore her and walk past her. "Where are you going?" Ashley called after me after a moment. Once again, I didn't answer. Instead, I walked up Normani's steps and knocked on her door.

Gratefully, Normani whisked me inside her house. "Will that girl ever stop?" she asked, clearly annoyed by Ashley. "I hope," I sighed. With that, she pulled me inside and we went up to her room.

Once in Normani's room, we immediately began to talk. Thankfully, Normani had seemed to forget to ask me about what I had been thinking about earlier, or at least she didn't ask about it.

For a while, we chatted about absolutely anything. It began to get late when Normani asked me if I wanted to sleep over. "Sure, I only have to be home by tomorrow," I replied. I borrowed some of her pajamas and hoped into her huge bed with her.

Soon enough, we fell asleep and awoke late the next morning. Well, I woke up, and Normani looked like a little goddess still sleeping beside me.

Cautiously, I got out of the bed and went to the corner of the room. Then, I ran to the bed and jumped on it. "Wake up Mani!" I sang in my Shakira impersonation voice. "Get off me Lemon Head," she groaned, yet got up after I got off of her.

Normani and I decided to go to my house for breakfast. We ran quickly to my house and went inside. No one was home, which was weird, but I decided not to think too much of it.

We headed to the kitchen together and Normani started taking out some stuff to make pancakes when I noticed a note on the fridge.

"Please call when you see this. -Mom," the note said. Upon seeing this, I got worried and called her immediately.

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