Chapter 9

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Camila's POV

Morning came along and I awoke to my stomach growling. I had always been a person who loved to eat, even if I had nothing to eat.

Sometimes Lauren would suffer for me and give me some of her food, or give me more food than her, and I was forever grateful.

"Get up Camz, time for school," Lauren said from the mattress beside mine, since of course we didn't have real beds. It was hard enough to get these mattresses from the mattress warehouse down the street.

This was another thing she did for me. She convinced Bryce to let us go to school for me. She didn't want to; she had said it was pointless and would only make our lives harder. Yet still, she came to school with me and didn't complain, although I felt really bad, because I could see the sadness in her eyes when no one else could.

I would talk to Lauren about this sadness i always saw in her, but I was pretty sure she didn't want to. Otherwise, wouldn't she have talked to me about it by then?

"Hurry up Camz, we're going to be late," Lauren urged. I got up and got dressed. I also brushed my hair and my teeth. I then left with Lauren to go to school.

At my locker, I was greeted by Selena. "Hey Camila," she said with a smile. "Hey," I replied.

We talked for a bit until Demi came strolling down the hallway with Niall and his friends.

"Camila! Selena!" Demi called as she came up to us. "Hey Demi!" I smiled widely at her. "Hey, I haven't introduced you to the guys officially," she said, clearly wanting to do so.

"That's Liam. He's a senior," she said, referring to the bald one. He smiled at me, so I smiled back. "This is Louis, also a senior," she continued, referring to the one with very short brown hair, as well as a hint at some facial hair. "Hello Camila!" Louis exclaimed. "Hi," I waved. "That is Zayn, and a junior, like me," Demi said, pointing to the darker skinned one. He seemed shy, so he didn't say anything. "He is Harry, in your grade," she showed me the boy with big brown curls and emerald green eyes. "Hello," he mumbled. I smiled at him. "And finally, this is my boyfriend Niall," Demi finished happily.

"Oh, I guess it's time to head to class," Selena said quickly as the bell rang. She grabbed my hand and hurried me to first period, which was math.

"Didn't they seem nice?" I asked her as I sat down. "Sure, sure," she said, a little distracted. She was looking at the door.

"Selena, do you like one of them?" I asked seriously. She burst out laughing at this. "I can't," she started, then stopped herself. "Do you like one of them?" Selena asked instead.

"Maybe," I replied, "Harry's pretty cute." Selena tensed up a little, yet didn't say anything.

Harry then walked in. He winked at me, causing me to blush and smile. "He seems like a player," Selena grumbled.

"But I've never had a guy look at me like that," I confessed. Men had looked at me in many ways before, but all of these looks seemed cold, dead, and evil. Yet they had never looked at me like Harry was looking at me.

It felt quite nice to have someone look at me like that.

Selena's POV

Camila was looking at Harry, and she might even like Harry. This made me so jealous, it was unbelievable.

Jealousy was a feeling that I hated. Yet when Camila looked at Harry, staring at each other so intently, I just couldn't help it.

To be honest, I wanted to make Harry disappear forever at that moment. I could tell he liked Camila, but Camila was mine. I'd befriended her first.

Gratefully, the math teacher walked in. Now I didn't have to worry about Camila staring at Harry, since he sat way behind us.

Although, Camila tensed up severely once our math teacher walked in. "Who's this?" Camila whispered to me.

"He's our math teacher. The first few days we had substitutes, remember?" I asked her. She nodded slowly and turned away, seeming very nervous.

She looked like this for the entire class. I was starting to worry because of this. Camila just couldn't seem to relax!

I wanted to know what was wrong, yet I felt rude asking. I mean, it could be something personal that maybe I shouldn't know about. I decided to give Camila some space.

Camila's POV

I couldn't believe it.


There are so many people in the world.

Yet OSCAR, of all people, was my math teacher.


** hope everyone is liking this story so far!! Let me know what you all think!!

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