Chapter 30

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Lauren's POV

"Hey Clara. I'm on my way," my dad told the woman who answered the phone. "Alright, honey. You're alone, right?" she asked. "Not exactly. I have someone who you're going to have to meet," he gritted through his teeth.

In the background, there were two voices. One of them was of the boy who had been talking on the phone before, and the other was of a girl who seemed younger than him. So Camz and I had another sister, and a brother? That was just sick.

Before I knew it, the phone call was over. I had so many questions, yet I wasn't able to ask any of them because of the tape on my mouth. Anyhow, my dad had begun to talk, "If you tell your mother about any of this, your dead. She thinks that Clara's my sister and that Chris and Taylor's dad left them and that's why I'm always going over."

Not slow enough, we arrived at this Clara's house. My dad removed the tape from my mouth violently, then dragged me inside. I was introduced to Clara, my 14-year-old half brother Chris, and my 12-year-old half sister Taylor.

While my dad spent time with his other family, I sat awkwardly on the couch. I knew that I should tell my mother, yet I also knew that wouldn't end well. I decided that maybe I should tell Camz about this. I knew she had a lot going on that she wouldn't tell me, yet I felt like she had to know this.

Thankfully, my dad finally took me to leave. We headed back to his house and I rushed inside. It was already after dinner, so I didn't have to spend any time with anyone at the moment. I wanted to only see Camz, but when I found her she was playing with Sofia. Instead of disturbing them, I hurried to the bathroom and locked myself in.

Looking for anything sharp in the drawers, I came across some disposable razor heads. This was perfect. I took three of them and took the them apart, giving me fifteen blades. I took one and put it to my thigh. I began to cut deeper than I had ever before, and watched as the blood pour out of me.

Camila's POV

After Lauren left with our dad, I began to worry. I decided to push these worries out of my mind by spending time with my mom and Sofia.

The three of us ended up watching some Disney movies like Cinderella, Snow White, Tangled, and many more. During Tangled, my mom got another phone call like she had the day before. She went into the kitchen and I followed her discreetly.

"Yes yes, they're going home tonight," she told the person on the other line, clearly talking about my sister and I. "I don't care that you've been watching them for years, I want my children back, and I'm going to get them," she declared. "I want them back because I love them, and I hate what you've been making them do. You couldn't just be loving to them? You had to make them become prostitutes!" she said a little loudly.

"Mama," I said softly. My mother looked at me startled. "I'm going to have to call you back," she said to the person on the other line, then hung up. "How much did you hear?" my mother then asked me. "I heard enough. Mama, I'm guessing that was Bryce, right?" I questioned calmly. She nodded.

"Can you please get him to stop? I hate having to go out every night, multiple times a night, to do things that have honestly scarred me. I just want a normal life," I pleaded. "That's what I'm trying to do. That's why if you girls live with us, that would be so much easier to get him to stop," she replied, then took me into a hug. "I love you, and I will do anything to keep you safe from now on, okay?" she mumbled to me. I nodded.

Sofia then ran in. "Come see my dolls!" she exclaimed as she took my hand. I smiled and followed her to her room with her dolls and a huge doll house. "Do you want to play with me?" Sofia asked. "I would love to," I replied with a smile.

For the next few hours, I played with my little sister. Our mom brought us some sandwiches and then left as we continued to play. Our dad and Lauren even came home while we were playing. I wanted to talk to her, but I figured I would at home.

"Girls, come on down. It's time for you to head home," our mom called from downstairs. I sighed as I helped Sofia put away her toys an went to go grab my things. Once I got downstairs, Lauren was sitting on the couch staring off into space and our mother was grabbing her car keys.

Quietly, I followed my sister and my mother out of the house and into the car. The car ride back home was unfortunately too quick, and it was time to leave.

"It was really nice to have you girls this weekend. I hope we could do this more often. If things play out right, I'm hoping you girls could move in very shortly," our mother said. "I hope so too," I said with a smile. Lauren nodded slowly, deeply in thought.

"Bye mama," I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. Lauren came out of her thoughts to wave, and our mother said goodbye as well. With that, we headed into the house.

Lauren went straight into her bedroom once we got inside. She didn't say goodnight, she didn't say anything at all. That was it from her for the rest of the night.

Demi's POV

I awoke Monday morning with a groan. I didn't feel like going back to school because I knew there would be a lot of drama, yet I was glad I was getting to see my friends.

After getting ready for school, I drove to Selena's house to pick her up. She was leaving her house as I got there, so she hoped into my car and we continued on the way to school.

During the drive, we blasted music. We also sang along to distract ourselves from any of our thoughts about school.

Too soon, we arrived in our school's parking lot. I parked the car and got out with Selena to head into school. We reached our lockers quickly and Lauren and Camila were already there, we talked with them for a bit.

Wondering what the time was, I looked away from the girls to look at the time. When I did, I noticed two girls walking past us slowly. I looked at one and she seemed very unfamiliar, yet the other I recognized instantly. It was Maya, and when her eyes fell upon Selena, jealousy set upon her face.

*** HELLO PRECIOUS READERS!!!! I'm sorry I haven't been writing recently I've been having a lot of shit going on but it's no excuse. But here u are, another chapter, and I hope u like it :)

A World Of LiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora