Chapter 34

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Demi's POV

As Vanessa pulled Selena to class, Maya and Justin walked past us. I really was mad at Maya and decided to have a chat with her.

However, once I was closer to her, I could tell that she was in a very sad state. Although I was of course still mad, I decided not to make matters worse for her. Besides, I still had Harry and his friends to worry about.

The night before, after I had dropped Selena off at her house for the second time, I snook into the alley where everything happened. I looked around for any sort of evidence that the guys did what they did when I found a ladder and a security camera. I had mounted the ladder and taken the tape out from the camera. I made sure it actually had the evidence on the tape, and it did.

Obviously, I wasn't just going to keep the tape. I didn't want to bother Selena because of the state she was in, yet I was going to ask Lauren to come with me to give the tape to the principal.

"Demi, come on we have to go to class," Lauren said, now by my side. We headed to English class and took our seats. Miley wasn't there yet, so it was my opportunity to ask Lauren. I asked her and she said that she'd come with me during the break.

Miley walked into the class as Lauren and I finished talking. Miley waved at me and had a huge smile plastered on her face. Of course I was confused about this since I thought we still weren't on speaking terms. "Hey Demi," Miley said excitedly as she sat down next to me, since unfortunately that was her spot.

I glared at her in response. Miley continued on anyways. "I know we've had our differences, but the Christmas Talent Fest is coming up. Auditions are the first week of November, and we're already the 25th of September. Remember how we promised to sing together with Selena, Vanessa, and Ashley?" Miley asked in a hurry.

Yes, the Christmas Talent Fest. Every year, Miley wanted to sign up and be in a group with us. She didn't really want to be in a group, though; she just wanted back up singers while she sang.

"I'm going to sign up, but alone," I told her. "Why would you do that?" Miley asked curiously. "Because I would never be in a group with you," I replied. "Why?" she questioned. "You stole my boyfriend, remember?" I asked like she was stupid. "It's been a few weeks, get over it," Miley said. "No," I replied and turned my attention away from her.

Class began shortly after our conversation finished. Thankfully, all we did was read silently to ourselves for the class, so it went by quickly, just like I needed it to. I grabbed Lauren's hand as the bell rang and rushed to the principal's office.

Knocking on the door quickly, I was so nervous. I just hoped that everything would turn out alright for everyone, except for the guys of course. I wanted them to suffer for what they did, not just to Camila but to me, and even Lauren.

"Girls, what do you want?" the principal asked as he opened the door for us. We hurried into his office and I told him about what had happened without using anyone's names.

"Sorry girls, but this didn't happen on school grounds. There's nothing I can do," he told us after I finished. "The victim was Camz," Lauren mumbled, barely audible for anyone to hear. "Give me the tape," he said immediately upon hearing this. I did as such and he hurried Lauren and I out of his office. "I'll take care if those boys, now go to class," he declared as he slammed the door shut.

Lauren started to hurry off to class, yet I called after her, "Why did he decide to do something when you said it was Camila?" She turned around and shrugged. "You could tell me," I called again. Lauren walked up to me and whispered, "Him and his brother found Camz and I in the streets. That's how we got into this school. Oh, and his brother's our pimp." With that, she walked off in a hurry.

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