Chapter 8

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Selena's POV

I was so excited that Camila was going to come. That meant that I could get to know her better. Also, it was a sleepover party, which meant that I could see her getting changed.

Okay, whoa, I just took that I little too far.

The bell then rang, signaling the end of class. I had been thinking about that party the entire time.

Camila and I walked out of class together. We went to our lockers and Demi joined us with Niall by her side.

"Well, I've got to go, I'll see you tomorrow DemDem," Niall said as he walked away.

"DemDem? What was that?" I asked Demi. "I think he likes me," she said with a huge smile.

"No way! Ask him out!" I told her excitedly. "I'm shy," she replied. "Okay well we've got to make a plan of how he will ask you out," I told her.

"Bye," Camila said softly to us. "Bye, don't forget to ask your parents about the party," I told her. "Sure, yeah," she said.

Miley walked up to us as Camila left. "Hey girls, want to come to my place after school?" she asked. "Sure, let's go," Demi said.

With that, Demi and I went over to Miley's house and met her there with Ashley and Vanessa.

"Alright girls, now about this 'party,'" Miley started, using air quotations, "So we're going to get the Lauren and Camila drunk that night for them to tell us everything, right?"

Everybody nodded. "What if we make things interesting?" Ashley asked. "What do you mean?" Miley now asked. "Well what if we play never have I ever, and if the person has done something, we take a shot of whiskey. Or Brandi. Or whatever I could smuggle," Ashley replied.

"Great idea, let's do it," Miley said happily. She really didn't like Lauren and Camila, clearly.

Lauren's POV

I could see Camz coming out of the school. Cuts all over my stomach were burning, yet I was glad the pain was there. I didn't let Camz see this, though.

"Lauren, I have a question," Camz said a little timidly as she came into the car. "What is it Camz?" I asked. "Selena invited us to a sleepover on Friday night, could we go?" she asked.

Obviously, I didn't want this at all. The two of us would definitely be the odd ones out. Also, what if this were a trap somehow? There was no way to tell what these girls were planning.

"Yeah, sure, I guess, but we'll have to tell Bryce that we need the day off," I told Camz, despite all of my doubts.

Although, seeing the smile on my sister's face made me forget about that.

The rest of the drive home was pretty quiet. I never really liked talking while driving because I lost concentration on the road, and being in an accident would only lead us to foster care, or jail for stealing the car, and because I didn't have a license.


"Now Lauren, I know you're only six, but I'm going to teach you how to drive," my dad said. "Why?" I asked him. "This way, you'll be ahead in life. And when you're older, I want you to teach your sister how to drive," he replied. "But you can do that," I told him.

He didn't answer after that, and started his driving lesson, and I caught on incredibly quickly.

**end of flashback**

Once we got home, I had Camz do her homework as I called Bryce. "Hey, do we have any appointments Friday night?" I asked him.

"What do you want?" he asked, not really caring. "Camila wants to go to this sleepover thing," I trailed off. "Fine, but you're working without any complaints on Sunday from four to midnight," he replied then hung up.

I went to the kitchen and told Camz the good news for her. She smiled and thanked me.

After this, I stayed silent as I did some homework and so did Camz. We did this until dinner, which was only some leftover salad from the night before.

Before I knew it, it was time to go back to school.


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