Chapter 31

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Selena's POV

"How was your spring break?" I asked Camila and Lauren, although I was really just staring into Camila's adorable brown eyes. "Good, good, and yours?" Camila asked. "It was alright," I reply.

Before any sort of awkward silence could set in, Demi tapped my shoulder. "Hey, Selena, remember when we went to the video store at the beginning of the break and who we met?" Demi asked. "Yeah," I replied slowly. She then pointed over to Maya and another girl walking in the hallway.

"Who are they?" Camila asked. "Long story, I'll tell you in class," I replied. She nodded. Ashley and Vanessa then came up to us, so we began talking to them about their break until it was time for class.

Vanessa wasn't in our class for chemistry, so Camila and I went to class alone and sat down in our spots next to each other. I felt nervous because I still wasn't exactly sure quite exactly what terms we were on with each other.

After a moment of silence, Camila turned to me. "Selena, I have no idea how I feel about you, but I don't want this to affect our friendship. It'll take me a bit of time to figure out my feelings for you, so I'll be spending time with you of course, but also a lot of Harry, and I don't want you to be hurt by that. No matter what, though, you're still one of my best friends," she told me. "If what you want is to stay friends, I would be glad to do so," I said with a smile, causing her to give me her gorgeous smile.

Unfortunately, our conversation was interrupted by the bell ringing and the teacher walking in. Before we started class, the teacher introduced us to two new students. The first was a boy named Nick, and the second was Maya's friend, and her name happened to be Alessia. I took a mental note of Alessia, yet didn't think much of this girl.

Quickly enough, chemistry ended and it was time for history. I went with Camila to our next class while we talked about random things when Harry walked up to us.

"So about that date we talked about, does today after school work?" Harry asked. Camila nodded. "Alright, see you then," he winked. She smiled and waved as he walked away.

Camila turned to me once he left. "Anyways, hi," she said, causing me to smile, because I knew she was trying to make me feel better. She was a great person, which made me start to like her even more.

Once again, we were interrupted. This time, it was by Alessia. "Hi, the teacher told me that the class is working on projects and that I have to pick a group, may I be with you?" she asked timidly. "Of course," Camila said with a smile.

"Go sit with your groups everyone an get working," the teacher said as the bell rang, so Dinah and Alessia came to sit with Camila and I. This was going to be a long class.

Ally's POV

I was scared to go to school because I would see Normani, Dinah, Troy, and Lauren. After I had woken up on Sunday morning, I left Normani's house before she and Dinah woke up and wrote a little note that said, "Sorry about last night and I'll be at the hospital all day so don't worry about me."

When I got to school, I was still scared of seeing them. So, I came a little later than usual on purpose and headed straight to class. Thankfully, none of them were in my class.

"Awn, look at the little dork sitting all by herself," Ashley mocked me as she walked in, since of course she of all people had to be in every single one of my classes. "Shut up, bitch," I muttered loud enough for her to hear as I got some books out of my bag.

"Excuse me?" Ashley demanded as she came to hover over me, "Did you just call me a bitch?" The look in her eye was frightening, and I didn't feel like starting anything with her. I already had enough going on.

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