Chapter 38

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Selena's POV

Monday morning came by fast. I had a plan on how to ask Camila to be my girlfriend, yet I was going to need some help. I decided to get Maya, Alessia, and Julie to help.

I went to school extra early to see if Maya, Alessia, and Julie were at school yet. Thankfully, Maya and Alessia were, although Julie wasn't. I told them about my plan and they both agreed happily. Justin then walked in and started kissing Maya's neck, and Alessia went to go and talk to her friend Paisley, so I decided to go see if any of my other friends were at school.

Vanessa, Ashley, and Miley were at their lockers, so I went up to them and started talking to them. We talked for a while when Demi came, then later Lauren and Camila came when we had to go to class.

First, we had science class. Camila wasn't my lab partner, so thankfully I didn't have to talk to her before the big moment. Next we English, and the teacher was really strict so we weren't aloud to talk, and we only had silent reading time.

Break between English and history came soon enough. As soon as the bell rang, Camila came up to me. "Okay, I'm just going to be blunt. Have you been avoiding me?" Camila questioned with sadness in her eyes.

Guilt overcame me. I wanted to tell her what I was planning, but I knew she would be happy if it were a surprise. Yet at the same time, she seemed so sad and I just wanted to make her smile right then and there.

"Uh, no, why would I avoid you?" I stuttered. "Is everything okay?" Camila asked. I nodded with a nervous smile. "Hey Camila, can you come with me? I want to go see Julie but I don't want to go alone," Alessia came and saved the day. Camila went with her as I hurried to my desk.

"Pero, what's up?" Dinah asked as she came up to me and sat next to me. "Not much," I shrugged. "How are things with Mila?" Dinah asked. "I'll answer that after lunch," I replied as the bell rang and Alessia and Camila hurried in and sat down with us.

We immediately got to work when they got there. Our project was a music video about Christopher Columbus, and we had just finished the lyrics and gotten the beat. We decided to start filming in the school during class, and the teacher let us.

During our filming, I tried my best to stay on topic. It was hard because the girls kept drifting off to other topics, yet I managed to bring us back on topic until the bell rang. As soon as it did, I hurried to Camila's locker.

Camila came practically running after me. I ran faster than her and made it to the lockers. I opened my locker and his my face in it.

"Selena? What in the world is going on?" Camila questioned. "Hey Camila, come with me," Maya came to distract her. As Camila was distracted, I put something on her locker, then put my head back in my locker because I was starting to blush.

"Okay, I'm back, hey what's this?" Camila asked as she saw what I had put on her locker. "Read it," I mumbled loud enough for her to hear as I took my head out of the locker. "Alright," she replied.

"When I first laid my eyes you,

I wanted to be your friend.

A feeling came over me

That I just couldn't comprehend.

All I knew was I had to get to know you,

Otherwise I just couldn't pretend.

When I realized my feelings for you,

Time with you I had to extend.

If you didn't feel the same,

Ways to heal a broken heart you'd have to recommend.

I guess there's something I must ask

Will you be my girlfriend?" Camila read my words with a huge smile on her face.

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