Chapter 35

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Camila's POV

My eyes fluttered open slowly. I was no longer in a hospital bed, but I knew right away that I wasn't home. I shot up only to feel large amounts of pain. I groaned in displeasure and rested back down.

I looked around the room. It looked familiar, yet I couldn't exactly place where I was until my bedroom door opened and my mom walked in. "Good, you're up. I have some news for you," she said kindly as she sat on the edge of the bed. "What is it?" I asked softly even though I had an idea of where things were heading.

"Your sister is in your apartment right now getting both of your stuff. She's bringing it here because I sorted things out with Bruce and Geoffrey, and you don't have to work for them anymore and still get to go to school. You also get to live with us," she told me. "Okay," I whispered in reply.

"The doctor put you on some medication that makes you tired a lot. It'll ware off soon, but he gave it to you so that you won't feel as much pain. Go to sleep, it's okay. You don't have to go to school tomorrow, so sleep as much as you'd like," my mother said. She kissed my forehead and left my room. As she did so, my eyes closed again and I fell into a deep sleep.

A loud bang woke me up. I didn't know what time it was or what was going on, but I was scared. I curled up in my sheets as a yet rolled down my cheek. I wanted to go and see what was happening, yet I was too drained to move.

Lauren cautiously came in and closed the door silently. She got under the covers with me and wrapped her arms around me. "What's going on?" I whispered. "Dad just came home. He's been out all night," she whispered in reply. "Lauren I'm scared," I whispered again after a moment. "It's going to be okay Camz. He's just drunk. He's not on any drugs tonight," Lauren soothed me.

"We have to tell Mama," I told her after a moment. "Do you really think she'd believe us?" Lauren asked. "Maybe," I replied as we heard another bang, causing my big sister to wrap her arms around me tighter.

"Camz, it's okay. It's going to be okay," Lauren tried to assure me. "Why does he do this?" I asked with a lump in my throat. "He probably wants to forget everything. He has five children after all, two of which are hidden from his wife," she replied softly. "I want to meet them," I told her. "One day," she replied. Thankfully, our father didn't make another sound and I was able to peacefully fall back asleep in Lauren's arms.

Unfortunately, Lauren wasn't there with me when I woke up again. She was probably at school. I got up slowly and made my way carefully down the stairs.

"Good morning," my mother said with a smile as I entered the kitchen. She gave me a plate with waffles on it. I sat down at the table and began to eat them. They tasted so amazing; I had almost forgotten what they tasted like.

Quietly, I ate until my mother asked, "What would you like to do today?" "Go to school," I replied. "Are you ready for that?" she questioned. I nodded even though it hurt a little. "Alright. You might be late, though, so I'll write you a note. I'll drop you off on my way to drop Sofia off for kindergarten," she said. With that, she wrote a note while I hurried to get dressed and get ready.

Before I knew it, I was at school. I walked slowly into class, which was history. I have the teacher my note and went to sit next to Selena and with Dinah and Alessia. Selena's face lit up when she saw me, causing me to smile and my heart begin to flutter a little.

Selena gave me a huge hug. "I missed you," she whispered in my ear. "Me too," I replied. She let go of me after a moment and gave a worrying look to Dinah. I was confused by this, yet decided to ask her about it later.

Dinah looked from Selena to me to Alessia back to me then back to Selena. "Alright, let's get to work again. We don't have much time left so let's just show Mila what we did," Dinah declared. "Mila?" I asked. "Oh sorry, do you not like it?" Dinah asked. "Oh no it's fine, it just took me a little off guard, D-Mac," I replied with a wink.

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