Chapter 58

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Ally's POV

Did Lauren just ask me out, and did I just say yes? Was this all really happening? Were my wildest dreams really beginning to actually come true? I was so flabbergasted at all of this, so much so that I didn't even notice that I had answered Lauren in actual words until I began to cough uncontrollably.

"Ally, are you okay?" Lauren asked me, snapping us both out of our separate yet soon to be combined realities. I continued to cough without being able to stop, which answered her question. "Should I get a nurse?" Lauren asked me again. I nodded as I coughed, causing Lauren to press a button to call a nurse. In seconds a nurse came, saw me, and then walked right back out.

Momentarily, my new doctor came swiftly into the room. He came straight up to me and handed me a glass of water. I drank it cautiously, and soon enough I was able to stop coughing. "I'm guessing you spoke?" the doctor asked. I nodded in reply. "It's going to take a bit of adjusting, alright? However, I promise there's nothing wrong with you," he assured me. I gave him a thumbs-up sign to thank him, then he walked out.

"We should really go to bed," Lauren's soothing voice entered my ears. I nodded at her in agreement. "Good night," she smiled her beautiful smile. "Good night," I mouthed back at her, although I didn't go to sleep at all. Instead, I stayed where I was and watched as Lauren closed her eyes and soon her breathing steadied, and her chest was slowly rising and falling.

Lauren was honestly my guardian angel. If it weren't for her in my life, I probably would've ended it the moment my grandfather passed away. After all, before Lauren had come into my life, my grandfather was the only one who I felt like I could talk to. Of course, I had Troy at the time, as well as Normani and Dinah, yet I didn't have the connection with them that I had with my grandfather and now Lauren.

Before I realized it, the next morning rolled around. I must have fallen asleep, since I was shaken awake by Camila. "Good morning," she smiled, "Lauren's about to go." I sat up slowly and saw Demi, then looked over at Lauren, who lying down in bed the exact same way she was over night. I have her a thumbs-up, yet she didn't see me, so I attempted to speak.

"Good luck," I put all of my efforts into saying those two words, causing me to begin coughing again. There was thankfully still some water next to me, so I drank it, which got me to stop coughing. Both Camila and Demi stared at me in disbelief, meanwhile Lauren replied, "Thanks Ally, I really hope it goes well." I nodded in agreement and gave her a supportive smile.

"You just spoke," Demi was flabbergasted. I smiled and nodded in reply. My two healthy friends' jaws were hanging wide open. Lauren giggled gently at this, causing me to laugh as well. "Why are you two laughing?" Camila questioned. "Your reactions are funny," Lauren giggled. "I don't understand you guys," Demi sighed and plopped herself down on one of the chairs. I shrugged at her while Camila was still in utter shock.

The doctor that was in charge of Lauren's procedure walked into the room then. He greeted us all, then turned to Lauren and informed her, "We'll doing your procedure in just a moment." She gave him a little nod, and as did the rest of us. As if on cue, a team of doctors and nurses came striding into the room and whisked Lauren away. On her way out, she waved at us all and gave me a faint smile, bringing a blush to my cheeks.

My friends sat down on the chairs beside my bed once she left. At first, we discussed how we were all worried for Lauren and hoped she turned out okay, and soon we progressed to other topics such as school. By discuss, I mean that Camila and Demi spoke and if I wanted to add something, I'd write it down since I didn't feel like having more coughing fits.

"I wonder if we got into the Talent Fest," Demi commented. "Why don't we call Normani or Dinah and asked them?" Camila suggested. I nodded in agreement at this idea as Demi pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed Dinah's number. Although, we realized that she was in class and probably wouldnt answer, so we expected our phone call to go to voice mail.

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