Chapter 20 - Separated

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Xavier and Jake sat together on the train as it sped past all the stations.

'Gabriel's note said that you need to get to terminal nine and head for hanger five, the plane will be waiting for you there'

Jake just nodded. He was feeling a little nervous, it had shocked him to see his picture on the news and even more so when the hooded men appeared off the train. He pulled the sleeve of his top down to hide the teardrop stone embedded in his hand. Xavier dug into his bag

'Here put this on'

He handed Jake a tubular bandage. Jake pulled it onto his hand, there was a hole to put his thumb through so the bandage could cover the back of his hand.

'You think of everything don't you?'

Xavier shrugged

'I'm supposed to look after you little brother.'

Jake nudged him with his arm

'Hey less of the little.'

Xavier laughed. 

Jake settled back into the seat and rested his head on the headrest and closed his eyes and thought back over the last few hours. He now had these memories bouncing round his head, memories of a time and place that he didn't know and wasn't sure he wanted to know. 

What was his Grandfather up to? The plans he had seen in the glass office seemed a little more than just storage space. Eventually his thoughts turned to Sara and he smiled to himself as he remembered the kiss.

The train circled through all the terminals, people getting on and off at all eight that they passed through. No one took much notice of the two of them, Xavier busying himself writing down some notes and Jake with his head back, eyes closed. 

Finally the screen above the door displayed - Heathrow – Terminal 9. Xavier nudged Jake. The doors slid open with a hiss and Xavier and Jake disembarked. The terminal had a few people milling around, mostly business people. 

The steel and glass entrance to the hanger area was unmanned. Xavier and Jake headed for it, hoping no one would take much notice of them. Xavier's plan was to get Jake to the hanger without anyone spotting them or holding them up. 

If all else failed, he would create a distraction. It was a crude plan, but the best he could come up with in a public place.

'Passport, please'

A thin man with glasses which were perched on an impossibly pointy nose stepped in front of them

'Passports, please' he said again.

Jake fumbled with the envelope and pulled out the passport. The man stared at Xavier intently as he had made no move to produce a passport. 

Jake handed the passport to the man. The man slotted it into his handheld reader. The data on the screen reflected on his glasses as he scrolled through the information.

'Please place your thumb here and look through here'

The man indicated to the areas on his hand held reader.

'Bio metrics confirmed' the hand held reader said.

The man seemed satisfied; Jake tried not to breathe a sigh of relief. The man handed back his passport.

'And what about you?' the man said to Xavier.

'I'm not flying today, Mr. Jones' said Xavier looking at the man's identification card.

'I am just accompanying my cousin to the gate'

Mr. Jones looked irritated as if he hears this excuse all the time.

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