Chapter 40 - Worries and War Machines

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Jake and Nathan had broken camp at first light. Nathan was eager to get on his way. They had been walking in silence for the last couple of hours and Jake was desperately thirsty.

'Can we stop for a drink?' pleaded Jake.

Nathan stopped and found a suitable rock to perch on. Opening his pack he threw a bottle of water to Jake.

'You've been pretty quiet. I am guessing you're worried about your brother.'

Jake nodded

'How is he going to get back to us, we left him miles back.'

'The orb that I gave him doesn't lock onto a place but a person'

'So you can have a portal that can take you straight to a person instead of a place'

Nathan nodded.

'If portals can take you to places, why didn't you give Xavier an orb that will take him straight to your place in the mountains?'

Jake handed Nathan back the bottle of water and waited for an answer.

'There are a number of reasons. One I don't want anyone having the location and number two, the orb is linked to you not me, so if anything happens Xavier will always be able to find you'

Jake let that thought sink into his mind,

'There are so many people risking everything for me, it's almost unbearable at times'

Nathan interjected.

'The people who risk all for you are those who have waited a long time for your coming. They want to see that you have a choice and not a puppet on anyone's string'

Jake managed a smile

'Sometimes it's just a little too much to take.'

Nathan understood

'Your training will help. It won't be long before we will be looking to you and not the other way round.'

Nathan slung his pack over his shoulder.

'We need to get going if we are going to make our next camp by nightfall.'

Jake put the top back on the water bottle and placed it in his pack before setting off after Nathan, thoughts of the future crowding his mind.

Drago yawned and reached for another cup of the sweet smelling tea. After Pian and Esse had left to attend to Sara's body, the others had talked for a couple of hours about the various plans for Jake. Lucifer wanted him to further cement his position in Lucandria, Lucian wanted him to be used as a Drakim assassin that will lead the charge against Lucifer and then use him as an enforcer to ensure loyalty. The Master wants him to elevate his position, as does Javen. Jerobim wants power and would use him as leverage to get it. The subject finally fell to Reboaz.

'I am not sure that Reboaz is really that bothered about the boy. He seems to be playing both sides' said Amy.

Gabriel agreed there seemed to be no reason to kill Sara, using her as leverage would be far more useful.

'That's what I would have done' said Xavier.

'So what is he up to?' asked Drago.

'Whatever it is, it will be short lived once we find him' said Gabriel.

Amy spoke concern in her voice

'I can't help the feeling that he almost wants you to come after him. You must be careful. There is more to this demon's plans than we know.'

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