Chapter 10 - Chosen One

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Jake lay sprawled on his bed; still fully clothed, but fast asleep. The game pad from his console still sat loosely in his hand and the large LCD screen flashed game over continually. The room was fairly large, especially for one person. The walls were a deep blue, and mostly covered in movie posters. 

The double bed was roughly in the centre of the room, with a variety of fitted cupboards and drawer units surrounding it. The latest iMac was set up on a purpose built desk to the side of the bed and there were clothes scattered on the floor and the weights bench. On the opposite side to the computer was a three drawer cabinet, with a lamp, Jake's mobile phone and his wallet.

The game pad in his hand slipped and dropped to the floor with a bang, Jake woke with a start. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room, trying to get his bearings. It took him a second or two to remember that he was at his Grandfather's house. Yawning he swung his legs down to sit on the edge of the bed. He looked at the clock on the wall. Five past three. Standing up, Jake found the remote to turn off the TV and the console. 

He started to get undressed, throwing his shirt at the weight bench to join the other clothes. He dug through his pockets and found the pendant he had retrieved from the river bank. He had completely forgotten about it, having met up with Red and Abe. The strange blue light still seemed to be pulsing. He held it up to his eye line by the thin silver chain. Letting it drop into the palm of his hand, he rolled it around in his hand. It felt like a smooth pebble you would find at the beach and was cold to the touch. 

He pressed it between his fingers it was hard as stone. He stared at it intently, to see if he could see the source of the power within it. His head began to swim, time seemed to stand still. He wanted to stop looking, but he couldn't, he felt like he was going to pass out. He steadied himself against the edge of the bed, but still could not tear himself away. Then very abruptly the pulsing stopped and a low whisper came from the heart of the blue light

'Chosen one'

Jake freaked and threw the pendant down to the floor and covered it with one of his pillows. A shiver ran down his spine. He sat there for a few moments staring at the pillow, listening. Nothing! He gingerly knelt down by the pillow. Nothing! He slowly lifted the pillow off the floor and placed it back on his bed. The stone was silent. No pulsing, no light. He poked it with his finger. Silence! A noise outside his window made his heart jump. He looked at the clock on the wall. Four thirty seven.


He couldn't believe that over an hour and a half had passed. He got up leaving the pendant on the floor. Switching off his bedside lamp, he went to the window to have a look what was going on. He peered out of the curtains, it was still quite dark, but there was a slight hint of the dawn on the horizon. His window faced the east side of the estate, much of which was lawn and ornate gardens. 

Past the garden was an area with several greenhouses bordered by a line of evergreen trees. To the left of the green houses was circular stone drive way with a fountain at its centre. There were a number of gravel paths leading off the drive way, one to the main house and several others to other areas of the grounds. The road that led up to the drive was lined with mature sycamore trees. He could just about see the east gate. 

Jake heard a faint crunching sound on the gravel below his window. He scanned the area, but couldn't see anybody. He pressed his face on the glass trying to look down at the path below his window, but there was no one there.

'Strange' He thought 'I'm sure I heard someone on the path.'

He turned back to the task at hand. The teardrop stone pendant! He crossed the room and flicked the main light on. He had a quick look round the room,

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