Chapter 28 - Rescue

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Xavier and Gabriel stood stunned by the magnificence of the throne room. For a brief moment Gabriel's mind transported him back to the heavens, where he had stood for eons in the presence of IAM. 

Whilst the throne room of Lucifer was similar in almost all respects to the throne room of heaven, the atmosphere was completely different. Bright as it was, nothing could come near the glory of IAM. 

Lucifer looked relaxed as he reclined on the crystal throne, his own brightness being magnified by the multi-faceted crystal, sending shards of light around the throne room. The glass floor was illuminated by the fire that raged below it. 

To Lucifer's left, chained and knelt in worship, there were twenty four beings. Gabriel's first instinct was that they were fallen ones, but on closer inspection the contorted forms, looked to be much like the beings created by the Masters at Jarako. They were a fusion of immortal human, angel and demon DNA. 

Xavier couldn't bear to look at them, bile rose in his throat. Twelve of Lucifer's personal guards were posted around the perimeter of the throne room. Bowing before Lucifer were three demons. Their markings indicated that they were Generals in Lucifer's army. They stood and began to confer with their master. Xavier noticed the form on Lucifer's right. 

It stood naked from the waist up, lash marks across his chest and stomach. As it lifted its head, the eyes white with electric blue edges fixed themselves on Xavier. Despite the figures appearance Xavier knew it was Jake.

Gabriel heard a snort behind him, he half turned to see two demons of monstrous proportions guarding either side of the main throne room doors. They were at least twelve foot tall and both of them held formidable battle axes at the ready. They eyed Gabriel and stepped forward, nudging him from behind. 

Gabriel motioned to Xavier and they walked to the middle of the throne room. Lucifer looked up, a look of mock surprise. He finished his discussion with the demon generals and dismissed them. 

The three of them bowed again and left by an exit behind the throne. The perimeter guards, along with the two demon door guards quickly formed a semi-circle around the back of Gabriel and Xavier.

Lucifer was waiting for them to bow, but when they didn't a look of irritation crossed his face. He nodded to the two demons and with one swift move hit Gabriel and Xavier in the back of the legs with their axe handles, forcing them to their knees.

'Much better' Lucifer said as the stood from his throne.

Gabriel and Xavier stood to their feet. One of the demons stepped forward to hit them again, but Lucifer waved him off. Lucifer wrapped his luxurious purple robe around himself and over his shoulder as he stepped down from the throne. 

He walked first to Xavier and stood before him as if studying him.

'You have the features of your father, young Xavier. Such a shame that your Grandfather sent him, instead of coming himself, he may still be alive now'

Xavier didn't flinch, but he could feel anger welling up inside. Lucifer sniffed the air.

'Ah, anger, unbridled, pure anger. Beautiful'

Next he stood before Gabriel.

'The prodigal has returned. It is good to see you Brother'

Gabriel nodded, but said nothing. Lucifer returned to his throne.

'So have you come to beg my forgiveness and join me now I have the chosen one?'

Gabriel clenched his fist.

'Does his arrogance and pride have no bounds' he thought to himself.

Xavier stepped forward.

'No, we have come for my brother'

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