Chapter 3 - The Landing Party

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Drago took the last few steps of the stairs in one bound, landing lightly on his feet. He ran along the corridor, skidding to a halt in front of a large wooden door. He pushed open the door to the kitchens and waited for the smell to hit him. 

If there was one place in the citadel that Drago loved, it was here. The pungent aromas assaulted his senses. It smelt so great he could happily stay here all day. The kitchens serviced the whole of the citadel and although Drago rarely saw a master down there, the cooks were always busy preparing enough food to feed a small army. 

The kitchens were separated into three large areas. The first was filled with rough tables and chairs with a serving hatch that lead to the second area. This was filled with preparation benches with huge ovens that lined the walls. The final area was taken up from floor to ceiling with food, wine and other delicacies.

He waved to the cook by the serving hatch, she was plating up what looked to be an evening meal. She gave him a smile as he headed to the preparation area. One or two of the cooks waved at Drago as he entered, but many were engrossed in their culinary tasks. The head cook a burly giant of a man, who went by the name of 'C', surveyed a large pot that was bubbling on the stove. 

He had a massive jaw, which protruded past his long grey and white hair which dropped below his shoulders, his apron was covered in stains which looked like they had been there from before the beginning of time; it was tied round his waist and accentuated his portly torso. He turned and peered down at Drago.

'What can I do for you master Drago?' His voice resonated around the kitchens. Drago liked the head cook, because, other than Xavier, he was the only one that treated him with at least a little respect and besides his jokes always made Drago laugh.

'C, I need some supplies for a couple of days'

Drago thought he better get some supplies for the hooded masters as well.

'I need five lots, if that's OK?' said Drago.

'I'm sure we can sort something out'

The head cook lent down towards Drago, looked this way and that, cupped a hand beside his mouth and whispered

'Word has it, it's a very special trip' Drago was amazed at how fast word got out, especially in a place where secrets were a lifestyle.

'C, you know I can't say anything'

Then mimicking C, Drago cupped his hand by his mouth, shifted his eyes back and forth and whispered 'But yes, you're right, it is a special trip!'

With a wink, C turned and headed towards the larders.

'You want your usual?' C shouted from the larders

'Why not', Drago shouted back.

After a couple of minutes C appeared with four canvas bags and five dark green bottles. He laid the bags on the counter and proceeded to pack three of the bottles in one of the canvas bags.

'There you go master Drago. You bring me something back from your trip and we'll call it quits.'

'Deal' said Drago as he hoisted the bags up and over his head so that he had two bags dangling at either side of him and picked up the remaining bottles.

'Take care of yourself C'

'And you master Drago, and you.'

With that Cook turn back to the kitchens and reprimanded one of the junior cooks who was loitering around the larders with his hands in his pockets.

'Ah, Drago, there you are. Got the supplies?' Drago followed the voice to a dark corner, high up in the chamber. Xavier stepped out into the light. He had been standing in the shadows of the transportation chamber since he had returned, watching all the preparations.

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