Chapter 1 - Betrayal

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Alone in the dark she knelt, staring at the eerie green glowing orb in front of her. She was there, but then she wasn't, her deep blue eyes were open, but unblinking, occasionally her brow would furrow, apart from that she just sat and stared.

'Finally, where have you been?' the first words she had uttered for hours.

The orb spoke, a dry rasping tone

'I had a little trouble, it won't happen again'

'It'd better not do!' she bit her lip realising that she had overstepped the mark with her curt reply.

The orb didn't mind, this time! She had information it wanted, in any other circumstance the conversation would have ceased, but it had to have the information.

'Where can I find him?'

The woman still wasn't sure of the orb's motives

'I need your assurance that he will come to no harm'.

Thousands of miles away, somewhere between time and eternity, a figure sat in a darkened room in front of a similar glowing green orb. A broad wicked smile spread across the face of the figure bathed in the green light. I have her he thought to himself.

'His wellbeing is my utmost concern' the rasping voice trying to sound like it cared.

The woman was still not convinced, but who else could she trust, she briefly entertained the thought of going to her father, but as soon as the thought entered her head, it disappeared. The creature from beyond time, whispered through the orb,

'You don't need to speak to anyone about this, just tell me everything.' The words were barely audible to the woman, but that was his way, suggestion, subtlety, stealth. The creature spoke out loud again,

'Please, if you are as concerned as we are, then you will let us know where he is!'

There was a pause from the woman, and then she relented,

'He'll be here in one week, our time. I'm not sure where on the estate he will be staying, but he will not be far from the main house, your people will have to find him.' The doubt and guilt began to swarm in her head, the orb felt it too.

'Let me assure you, I will personally see that he is not harmed, thank you for your help, and remember do not let anyone know of our conversations, it may hinder our mission to save him.'

The orb went dark and dropped into the woman's hand, leaving her in total darkness.

She told herself that she had done the right thing and tried to believe it.


The room was bathed in a comfortable light, she looked at her watch and tried to stand up, her legs ached; she had been kneeling for over five hours. Letting out a sigh, she again wondered if she had done the right thing. She pushed the thoughts from her mind. Hiding the orb in the antique pine cupboard by her bed, she stretched and pulled out the elasticated white band that was holding her long dark hair in a loose ponytail. Throwing the band on to the bed and running her hands through her hair, she suddenly realised she was hungry. 

She picked up the pillow she had been kneeling on and threw that on the bed as well and headed for the door. A couple of seconds after she had left the room, she popped her head around her bedroom door.

'Lights' she said again. The bedroom lights slowly dimmed as she closed the door and headed down the hallway to the kitchen to find something to eat.

The owner of the other orb smiled again as the light of orb faded away. His smile grew wider until he couldn't contain it anymore, he let out a laugh, the evil sinister sound echoed around his chamber. Sometimes humans were so gullible. He stood and arched his back and laughed again. He was a master, a human one, well he was human once. He had devoted himself to the pursuit of power, at all costs. He had been on Xaria since the beginning, thousands of years ago, but what was time when the planet you lived on was somewhere between time and eternity.

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