Chapter 38 - A Mountain Meeting

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They had left Esse's house under the cover of darkness, keeping to the shadows. Xavier had let them know about the angel waiting for them at the Dark gate. Esse had sent word to the Gate keeper that a suspicious entity was hanging around the gate and he was wanted by the market authorities for today's disruptions, she gave a brief description of Adato. 

As they approached the Dark gate, they could make out five guards holding down Adato and Kei was standing in front of him asking questions about the market. Adato refused to answer any questions

'Take him to a holding cell' said Kei gruffly.

They hauled Adato up to his feet, with a swiftness that belayed his size Adato pulled an arm free and elbowed the guard behind him in the stomach, he threw himself backwards with all his might causing the guards that had hold of him to stagger backwards and lose their footing. 

The guard that still had hold of one of his arms was flung across the courtyard, slumping in a heap as he hit the cobbled floor. Having broken free Adato ran from the scene, not even noticing Esse, Gabriel and the others by the side of the road. 

Four of the guards pursued him. Esse ran to the guard that was still lay on the courtyard floor and helped him up, he had a large welt on his head that looked red and angry; luckily it hadn't broken the skin.

'Nice friends you have' said Kei

'I'm sorry about that' said Esse she pulled a small pouch full of coins out of her pocket and tossed it to Kei.

'It's a pleasure doing business with you' he said with a wink. 'This way, if you please' pointing towards the Dark gate.

The Dark gate towered above them. It was the only legitimate way in or out of the city after dark and only with a valid reason. Not many people wanted to roam the plains of Jarako after dark, many who left the safety of the city walls did not return. 

There were a number of nomad settlements on the plains, demon houses that had fallen on hard times or been over thrown.

'Are you sure you need to go tonight' asked Kei, a hint of concern in his voice.

The rest of the group emerged from the shadows,

'I wouldn't be too concerned about us' said Gabriel.

Pian, Drago and Xavier followed by the detachment behind him. Jericho was holding Sara.

'What's wrong with her' asked Kei.

Gabriel took a step closer to him.

'She is very sick and I need to get her to a friend who can help.'

Kei held Gabriel's gaze for a moment.

'Let's go' said Gabriel, not taking his eyes off Kei

'You're really him, aren't you?' said Kei, realisation written all over his face.

'Goodbye Kei' said Gabriel and turned to follow the others, he stopped after a few feet

'I trust that our presence here will remain a secret!'

Kei didn't answer; he knew that it was more a statement than a question.

Xaria's moon was high in the night sky; it cast a silver glow across the plains. They had trekked across the plains for the last two hours, leaving the city of Jarako far behind.

'Couldn't we just use an orb' complained Drago,

Pian shot him a look that he knew meant 'shut up' Danny and Blaine, who had been out scouting, came out of the darkness ahead and addressed Esse.

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