Chapter 18 - Fight & Flight

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Jake could hear voices up ahead, they rounded a corner and he could see an area of light up ahead with shadows of three figures playing on the wall. Xavier, Drago and Pian stood as Jake and Gabriel reached the group. 

Xavier addressed Jake

'Little brother, I would like to introduce my friends' Xavier pointed to Drago

'This is Drago'

Drago nodded and Jake managed to stammer a 'Hi'

Pian stepped forward

'I am Pian'

She took Jakes hand

'I see you are indeed the chosen one'

Jake removed his hand trying not to be too rude

'It would seem so' he said quietly.

Pian turned and bowed to Gabriel

'My lord'

Gabriel nodded. She turned and looked at Drago and raised an eyebrow at him. Drago stepped towards Gabriel and cleared his throat with a slight cough.

'My lord Gabriel, it would seem I have been wrong about you, it would seem that I have been wrong about a great many things....'

Gabriel held out his hand. Drago looked at Gabriel's face. There was no anger in his eyes. Gabriel clasped his hand on Drago's wrist and Drago responded likewise.

'Drago, I am glad you are with us' said Gabriel.

Pian wrapped her arms around Drago's waist from behind and kissed him on the neck. Gabriel glanced at Xavier, who just shrugged his shoulders. Jake coughed

'Now we know we love everybody, shall we go? My hours grace was up hours ago.'

Gabriel laughed

'You are right, we had better get moving'

They headed for the caverns exit, it was the early hours of the morning and still quite dark, the clouds had cleared leaving a star filled sky. Gabriel looked around the clearing and then gave a whistle. From several areas of the clearing The Detachment appeared. Xavier went for his weapon

'Easy Xavier, they are with me' Xavier relaxed.

Jericho strode up to Gabriel and they clasped wrists.

'That lumbering demon is not far away, Blaine has been tracking him for hours'

Gabriel stroked his goatee

'How many are there?'

Jericho motioned to Blaine to answer.

'There's the big one, nasty looking, three little ones and a bloke with a long cloak, bit like what she's wearing' pointing to Pian.

Gabriel turned to Xavier and handed him an envelope

'Take Jake and follow the path. It will bring you to a dirt track. There is a car waiting for you there. The instructions are in the envelope. Remember they will be watching for him'.

Gabriel suddenly stopped and spun round peering into the blackness of the trees. Two red eyes were fixed on him. Reboaz stepped out from the darkness, his voice deep and rasping.

'Renegade, give the boy to me and I may let your pet humans live'

The three smaller demons from the House of Razok stepped into the clearing behind Reboaz. Pian whispered to Xavier

'Where's Javen?'

He was nowhere to be seen. Gabriel turned and reached into his jacket pocket

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