Chapter 37 - Abyss Matter

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Lucian sat back in his deep leather chair and raised an eyebrow, as General Kyle finished recounting his meeting with Jerobim.

'So the worm, or should I say snake has well and truly turned' murmured Lucian.

He clasped his fingers and placed his hand behind his head and swivelled slightly in the chair as if in deep thought. The General waited, deciding not to put forward his ideas until he was asked for them. 

Azakel stood dutifully beside General Kyle in silence. Lucian got up from his chair and paced thoughtfully for a moment, his hand stroking his chin as he deliberated his next move.

'Azakel, can you get in touch with our brothers and sisters. I need to brief the inner circle on the unfolding events.'

Azakel nodded and left, his form shimmering into nothing as he passed through the door of Lucian office.

'General! Let's go for a walk. I have something I want to show you' said Lucian.

Intrigued the General left his seat and followed Lucian out of the office.

Lucian walked at pace as he made his way through the house, with the General in tow. Lucian nodded to his house guards when he passed them, but he was clearly on a mission. They reached the rear entrance of the mansion, but instead of going out through the door. Lucian pushed a section of the wall, there was a dull clunk and a section of floor slid open to reveal a stairway.

'Follow me, General' said Lucian.

He descended down the stairs. The floor slid back into place above their heads as they reached the bottom of the stairs. Before them was a well-lit corridor with double doors at the end.

'General, what you are about to see, is top secret, even the people working on the various projects do not understand to true nature of what they are creating.'

Lucian pushed to doors open.

'Welcome to my war room!'

They stepped through the doorway into a moderate office space. A large white table was the focal point of the room; it was capable of seating at least forty people. Past the table on the far side of the room were twelve, floor to ceiling windows covered with louver blinds. 

There were four exits out of the room, five including the one they had entered by, two on the left and two on the right. On the right wall between the two doors there was a large LCD screen, the news playing silently to itself in the top right corner of the screen. The left corner detailed the weather and time for various places around the world, New York, Washington, New Moscow, Jerusalem, China and London. 

The bottom half of the screen was filled the strange red symbols each with a percentage amount assigned to them. Many of the symbols values had reached one hundred percent and the symbol flashed between red and green. In the bottom right corner there was a box that indicated the number of personnel in the building.

'What do you think General?' asked Lucian

The General tried to look unimpressed, despite the fact he was.

'It's certainly white!' he said

Lucian chuckled.

'Come, let me show you around'

They walked to the windows and Lucian made a show of pressing the button to open the blinds. The view was amazing. The war room overlooked a massive cavern that stretched further than the General could see. 

Below them a vast array of weapons launchers and troop carriers were arranged in groups on the shop floor. From this vantage point they looked no bigger than children's toys. He could make out several figures moving around the vehicles.

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