slutty wedding sex

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three years after graduating high school, hinata is not quite where he wants to be in life, and has no intention of seeing kageyama until he is. too bad tanaka and shimizu had different plans for their juniors.

[caution: smut, but it's kinda vague? reader discretion is advised anyways.]

hinata knew he wasn't alone in thinking this day would never come. when he climbed out of his car and allowed the valet to take it away, he noticed that everyone had the same dazed, spaced out expressions as him - like they couldn't believe they were actually here. hinata had actually fallen out of his chair when tanaka called him up with the news. he didn't want to say that the reason he came back to japan was for the wedding, because that wouldn't be a very good reason, but if he had to be completely honest with himself, it was a very big part of the reason. of course, hinata hadn't told his mother that. she simply thought he'd come back to visit her, and the wedding in tokyo just happened to coincide with the time hinata had come back.

as hinata wandered around the venue, taking in how beautiful it looked, he felt a slight churning in his stomach. it was being back here in japan, with his old friends just a couple of steps away, friends he hadn't seen in years, especially daichi, sugawara, and asahi. he was definitely more excited than nervous to see them.


he heard his name being called out in a very familiar voice and followed it to see yachi, dressed beautifully in a flowy lilac dress, and her blond hair long and curled. she grinned and waved as she saw hinata, and hinata had no problem running up to her and throwing his arms around her, lifting her up into the air for a moment. he didn't think things could ever be awkward between them.

"yachi san!" he gushed as they separated. "you look stunning!"

yachi blushed, giggling and beaming. "as do you!" she said, gesturing towards his tuxedo. "i've never seen you wear something like that before! you should do it more often."

"yeah, i'm gonna wear a tux on the beach, right?" asked hinata, grinning, and yachi rolled her eyes.

"shoyo! hitoka!" both of them turned to see a woman dashing up to them, instantly recognizable from the large breasts that spilled out of her low cut dress, that was the same lilac colour as yachi's.

"saeko ne san!" hinata and yachi answered with enthusiasm as saeko wrapped her arms around the both of them; hinata locked eyes with yachi and shared an uncomfortable smile with her as their heads rested on saeko's chest.

there was the obligatory exchange of 'you look great' (though saeko really did look great, with her makeup done and her hair long and styled), and saeko proceeded to point out every member of tanaka's family to hinata and yachi, not telling them the normal things like what they did for a living or what their names were, but instead informing them of the dirtiest secrets she had on her relatives. thankfully, she was called over to another table soon enough and yachi and hinata could pretend they hadn't heard any of that.

"i didn't know tanaka san knew so many people," yachi remarked as she sat down. "this place is packed."

"he must've wanted to invite everyone," hinata replied. "it's not every day a man marries debatably the most desirable woman in all of miyagi, right?"

yachi gave hinata a terse smile and nodded, clutching her purse tighter on her lap, and hinata gave her a sympathetic look, remembering that she, like most people who knew shimizu, had had a tiny crush on her fellow volleyball club manager back in the day.

"hey, if it makes you feel any better, i'm pretty sure every groomsman and bridesmaid wants to be in tanaka san's place today," said hinata comfortingly as he rubbed her shoulder. "speaking of..."

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