let's go to tokyo!

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hinata had had his eyes on that sleek red gleaming car since the moment he saw kunimi step out of it, and it was insane that he was finally going to get to drive it. the presence of the keys in his pocket was burning a hole in them, ready to be taken out, stuffed into the ignition, and give hinata the pleasure that he needed. he skipped over to the car, quickening his pace so he could get there before the others, because they hadn't really decided who would drive it first.

"okay, yeah, this is pretty awesome," said yamaguchi with a grin as he was following hinata, trailing his hand across the side of the car. "almost too beautiful to touch."

"but we can touch it as much as we can!" yachi replied excitedly, wasting no time in hopping onto the hood of the car, crossing her legs as she sat on it.

"maybe don't do that," said kageyama gently, though he wasn't gentle as he pulled her off. "we still have to give it back after the weekend, and i think kunimi would probably sue if we marked it up even a little. that means yamaguchi -"

"i know," said yamaguchi glumly, hanging his head. he was known for his criminally bad driving.

"i don't know that kunimi would stop at suing, he might just be out for blood," said tsukishima. "this thing is like a baby to him, he could hardly say goodbye earlier."

"well, i can tell why, she's the sweetest thing ever," hinata spoke matter-of-factly. "cars have female pronouns, you know. anyways, that didn't stop him from betting her."

"you practically forced him to," yachi pointed out. "you wouldn't stop begging him. i can't believe you bet our club funds!"

"i knew we were going to win that practice match!" said hinata defensively as the others jumped to agree with yachi. "what with mine and kageyama's new quick - there's nothing that can stop that."

"i feel like you guys say that every time and then something stops it," tsukishima said, bored. "and it's usually seijoh."

"you shut up, tsukishima!" hinata snapped angrily, not caring for their past losses against that school to be brought up at this particular moment. "let's just focus on what's at hand here." hinata took a deep breath to bring the smile back to his face and said, "tokyo this weekend?"

yamaguchi's face lit up with a grin as he said, "oh, i'm so down!"

"me, too!" yachi squealed. "we haven't gone out all together in a while."

"i swear to you, yachi san, i would take you out every day if i had a car like this," said hinata, gazing longingly at the car.

"you're annoying," kageyama remarked, and hinata opened his mouth to retort, but before he could, tsukishima spoke.

"so who's going to drive us all the way to tokyo?"

"not me!"

"not me!"

"not me."

"me!" hinata and kageyama both said at once, and they instantly stared daggers into each other.

"why don't you guys want to drive there?" asked hinata, turning towards the rest of the group after he'd glowered enough at kageyama. "the whole point of getting this car is to drive it."

"yeah, for fun," yamaguchi replied. "not all the way to tokyo."

"yamaguchi, no one even wanted you to drive it," said tsukishima, smirking.

"i guess... we should all take turns... to make things fair," yachi conceded reluctantly, but tsukishima put a hand on her shoulder.

"but the king and his retainer -"

some haikyuu! one shots i guessWhere stories live. Discover now