high school sweethearts

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break up with your girlfriend, cause i'm bored.

part two to the wrong idea.

hinata and chihiro have struck up a relationship, and kageyama is not happy.

[caution - smut, reader discretion advised.]

kageyama should not have gone to sleep the night of the practice match feeling like he had averted a great disaster by walking yokota home. he knew hinata was too much of a gentleman for his own good, and he'd probably combust if he allowed yokota to walk home on her own, even if her house was not on his way. that was just the kind of person he was, and kageyama knew because he'd been walked home by hinata many times as well, even though his house wasn't on hinata's way either. kageyama couldn't say he didn't enjoy it, but it was because he enjoyed it that it did strange things to him whenever he saw hinata offering to walk someone else home.

that was why kageyama was happy with himself for being the one to walk yokota home instead. he'd seen the way she and hinata were coming onto each other, and he knew he had to make a move before it was too late. but it seemed that he had not done enough, when he walked into school the next day to see hinata and yokota holding hands.

the very sight of it made him freeze and want to turn back, run home and start this day over again. kageyama had been jealous over hinata before, but it had always because of hinata's friendly relationships with other guys, never anything like this. what on earth had happened last night?

hinata and yokota did not exactly tell kageyama, but he suspected that yokota may have confessed some feelings to him after she had gone home. it surprised kageyama - he'd always thought yokota had a crush on him - but more than that, seeing those two together... did things to him. not only was he much more irrationally angry every time he saw them give each other little looks and smiles, but he found himself wishing he was in yokota's position. the sight of them together was nauseating, but when kageyama simply focused on hinata... seeing him acting in the role of a boyfriend, or at least someone who was actively flirting, always sent shivers down kageyama's back. in a good way, despite how foreign these feelings were.

kageyama had always known his feelings for hinata exceeded friendship, but now they were crossing into completely new territory. he knew he shouldn't be thinking about things like this, but he couldn't help wondering what hinata and yokota might do behind closed doors, and he couldn't help replacing yokota with himself in his fantasies. kageyama did not exactly know if hinata and yokota had even kissed yet, but if they had... how was it fair that yokota, who had known hinata for all of one month, knew how hinata tasted and kageyama didn't?

over time, these fantasies of kageyama's only got worse and more frequent, and the jealousy inside of him whenever he saw hinata and yokota together burned even brighter, exacerbated by the fact that neither of them would tell kageyama what exactly was going on between them.

usually, kageyama could keep himself at bay, but when he saw hinata holding yokota's hands in the hallway, standing much too close to her, he reacted instinctively, marching over and grabbing hinata's elbow before dragging him over to the first empty classroom he found and pushing him against the chalkboard.

"ow, don't be so aggressive, kageyama, i have delicate skin!" hinata protested. "you'll leave marks!"

kageyama tried not feel pleasure at the thought of hinata's skin having lasting marks from kageyama's touch. almost as if they were doing something other than just talking in here...

"do you have something to say to me, or can i go back to chihiro?" asked hinata, cocking an eyebrow, and kageyama grabbed him by the collar, pulling him up to his own face. 

some haikyuu! one shots i guessWhere stories live. Discover now