let's go to tokyo!

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(part two.)

after getting permission from their parents (by telling them it was a club thing), the third years were ready to go, their backpacks packed with snacks and clothes and anything else they'd need for the weekend. hinata was a known over-packer, so he and yachi had to stand outside the car, pulling out everything he didn't need, before they got going.

they rose early, but hinata and kageyama were quite used to it, so they were the most energetic that morning, which was all well and good because kageyama was going to have to be driving for five hours. still, hinata both envied him and found him really attractive sitting there in the driver's seat. he was almost wishing the others at the back would fall asleep so he and kageyama could do... something.

but yachi and yamaguchi were too excited to get to sleep, and tsukishima pretended to be sleeping, but hinata could see his eyes fluttering open and his lips twitching upwards whenever someone would say something funny. it was probably impossible to get to sleep in all this noise anyways, with hinata blasting his music throughout the car as yachi and yamaguchi sung along with him. kageyama frequently berated hinata for his music taste, and he was rolling his eyes the entire time, but hinata caught him mouthing along to some of the lyrics as well. tsukishima, on the other hand, kept his headphones firmly over his ears, probably to listen to his own music and cancel out the sound of what he called hinata's 'generic shit'.

there was something so euphoric about just being there with them in that moment, out on the open road, singing an admittedly terrible harmony (that yamaguchi outshined them all in), laughing more than actually singing or talking. hinata had spent so long yearning to be in a team like this, and before he'd realized it, they'd all passed the teammate label in their relationship and become friends. the kind of friends that none of them would ever forget, in a kind of moment that hinata knew would live with him forever.

they stopped at a diner for breakfast, and went to convenience store right afterwards to pile up on more snacks, where kageyama couldn't help but purchase an entire carton of milk boxes.

"do you really need all of that?" asked tsukishima, disgusted, when kageyama and yamaguchi emerged from the store.

"i didn't get this tall for nothing," kageyama answered swiftly, and tsukishima smirked.

"yeah, you're real tall."

despite the fact that kageyama had volunteered to drive them the entire way, everyone else could tell he was getting tired, and yachi was the only one who felt enough pity to take his spot in the driver's seat, as hinata was pushed to the back and kageyama shifted to the passenger seat. they ended up taking turns driving anyways, and unfortunately, hinata's turn coincided with the same time that everyone started to get kind of sleepy, including hinata. he watched wistfully as tsukishima, yachi, and yamaguchi dozed off, the latter two leaning on tsukishima in the middle, whose glasses were slightly askew. 

kageyama stayed up though, just because it was a kind of unspoken rule that if you were in the passenger's seat, you would keep the driver company. hinata remembered that coach ukai and takeda sensei did that all the time, and felt a rush of gratitude towards kageyama that he wasn't quite ready to voice.

once they were nearing tokyo and tsukishima was driving, hinata called up kenma.

"please don't tell me you're busy this weekend," was the first thing he said when kenma picked up after the second ring. "cause me, kageyama, yamaguchi, tsukishima, and yachi san are coming to tokyo!"

"really?" said kenma's soft voice from the other end, with a twinge of excitement. "no, i'm not busy. so all of you are coming?"

"yeah, all of us," hinata emphasized, knowing kenma wasn't really happy with that, but that he'd deal with it anyways. "can we come over and - you know?"

some haikyuu! one shots i guessKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat