doing too much

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part two to on court chemistry.

kageyama wants to do a bit more than what hinata's giving him.

[caution - smut, reader discretion advised.]

performing their advanced quick attack required kageyama and hinata to connect more and more often. it'd quickly turned from a couple times a week to twice every day, in the mornings when they'd come to school early and in the afternoons, when they'd take advantage of the couple minutes they had after school and before practice. crazy as it sounded, it'd improved their performance on court greatly, and the others noticed, though they couldn't know why, as that was something kageyama and hinata liked to keep to themselves.

soft kisses and hand holding had quickly turned to messy and hungry make out sessions, both of them trying to keep quiet as they silenced their moans with each other's lips, and kageyama kept having to stop himself from going too far. he'd once reached into hinata's shirt and touched his skin directly, feeling the warmth of it throughout his own body, but hinata had looked at him with so much discomfort then that kageyama had never done it again.

but whatever they did, it wasn't enough. the kisses stopped being enough after a while, though kageyama couldn't tell hinata that. their attack had been going splendidly, but kageyama still felt this weird void inside of him whenever hinata would push him away, smiling, and say "that was nice," in that satisfied way before leaving. how could hinata just be fine with what they were doing? how was it enough for him? how did he not ever want more from kageyama? it seemed like natural progression, as they'd begun peppering kisses down each other's necks, to go even further below, to touch even further below, but hinata had never done anything remotely like that. was there something wrong with him or with kageyama?

whatever it was, kageyama knew it couldn't go on any longer. every time hinata would walk away with that bounce in his step, kageyama always had to recollect himself for a while, and he'd usually have to jerk himself off in the school bathroom. he could not sink any lower.

and then he'd have to walk back into the gym and meet hinata's gaze and immediately look away, because he thought that if hinata looked directly into kageyama's eyes he'd know what kageyama had just done, to the thought of him. he wondered if it was obvious how he really felt about hinata, he wondered if hinata could see in his face that kageyama wanted to do more, but if he did then he certainly didn't show it.

hinata seemed completely fine with what they were doing, and wanted nothing more, nothing less. kageyama envied how simple things were for him, especially when he was waiting for him in the bathroom the night before their game against aoba johsai, bracing himself for the words he was about to say.

he almost forgot what they were when hinata came inside and approached kageyama, grinning and standing his tip toes for a kiss; those eyes could not be denied. but kageyama closed his eyes and pulled hinata's hands off of him, stepping back with a sigh.

"we can't do this anymore," he said quietly.

"what?" said hinata, confused. "why not? it's working so well."

"we have to find another way for that attack to work, we can't just rely on... this!" said kageyama exasperatedly. hinata continued to look as though he did not understand and kageyama groaned. "hinata, do you realize what we've been doing for the past couple of weeks? i know we've avoided saying it, but we've been kissing. you and me. kissing. making out, even. it's - i mean - isn't that weird?"

"you didn't think it was weird when we started this," hinata pointed out. "you said you were willing to try anything."

"i - i was," said kageyama, and he couldn't help adding, "but you're not."

some haikyuu! one shots i guessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora